Would You Terminate The Lease?

I have a new tenant that after two months is causing problems. Last month when she moved in she gave me a money order for the security deposit and a check for the first month's rent. Two days after giving it to me she asked that I not deposit the check because she didn't have the money in her account. Stated she had to use it for moving expenses. It was two weeks later that I was able to cash the check.

Now for the second month, it's already the 15th and she doesn’t seem to know when you will be able to pay her rent. She told me that I can pick up a check and she'll let me know when I can deposit it. I refused to pick up the check.

In my opinion this is not a good way to begin a new relationship. She is on a month to month lease and I want to terminate the lease next month. I'm I being to impatient?


  • getgoing15th December, 2004

    It doesn't sound like you have to many options at this point. If she has not tried to explain a problem to you that will be worked out ASAP I would go ahead and terminate.

  • linlin15th December, 2004

    Better to deposit the check and have it bounce to give you some leadway. Otherwise she could claim you just never deposited. After it bounces, send her a letter giving her 30days to leave

  • loon15th December, 2004

    Though the temptation is to kick her out, have a good talk with her first. If you can, and she seems sincere, maybe she's really having honest problems getting it together so far. How were her refs? Credit? Is this the kind of area where people truly struggle and, given a break, may come through?

    It's ironic I'm saying this after finally kicking out a non-payer on a Contract for Deed after several months of stories. He seemed so sincere, and is having problems which, unfortunately, don't seem to be near an end.

    So I'm not saying make her your responsibility. But it is possible she needs a break. If she is apologic when explaining and seems truly contrite, consider that. If she is testy, pushy, acting all entitled like she's doing you a favor by paying the rent, well, then probably she should go.

    Another way to test her sincerity would be to offer her the chance to work off some of her rent by vaccuuming, cleaning, shoveling snow, painting, etc. Her reaction to that suggestion alone ought to flush out her true intentions.

    If nothing else, tell her you're sorry, but in order to allow her to stay, you need a money order for the rent in full by this Friday (and on the first everry month) or whenever, or you'll have to kick her out. Keep in mind that she may know the laws and may be trying for a long unpaid stay at your expense. It is winter...

  • Yhagood16th December, 2004

    Thanks for the comments. She does seem like a nice lady but I just feel like she moved in and knew upfront that she couldn't afford the rent. I would not go buy a new car if I didn't know how I was going to make the car payments. I'm serving her with a five day notice today. Also, I called her job last week and her boss told me that she quit by leaving her a voice message. She also stated that she gave her a $2,000 advance before she quit and that she has no contact information for her. I did not tell her about my experience with her but she warned me to watch out for her.

  • LadyGrey16th December, 2004

    Then it sounds to me like an eviction is your best bet. Good luck, evictions are such a PITA.

    On 2004-12-16 07:43, Yhagood wrote:
    Thanks for the comments. She does seem like a nice lady but I just feel like she moved in and knew upfront that she couldn't afford the rent. I would not go buy a new car if I didn't know how I was going to make the car payments. I'm serving her with a five day notice today. Also, I called her job last week and her boss told me that she quit by leaving her a voice message. She also stated that she gave her a $2,000 advance before she quit and that she has no contact information for her. I did not tell her about my experience with her but she warned me to watch out for her.

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