Would Someone Look At My Cashflow Charts?

hi all I apreciate allthe help I have gotten here so far. Those of you that have read my previous posts know that I almost got burned right out the gate. I am trying to avoid that in the future so I am using a cashflow chart to help me see the bigger picture. I just used some multi unit properties I found in the Homes and lifestyles as examples. I have it set up to different ways one at 80%ltv and no PMI and one at 90%ltv with PMI The money from the down payments is coming from a friend that is an investor to help get me started. The payments on regular P7I are at 30 years the loan payback amounts on the difference ( down payment money) is at 15 years. Now here is the thing I don't get and I think I may have made a mistke in my calculations The 90%ltv comes out with a higher cashflow than the 80% LTV. I am going to try to provide a link to my webpage that has the excel documents on it. I would appreciate someone checking my numbers and also offering critiques on how to improve it . I appreciate the help. and yes the website is my wedding website, I needed somewhere to park the sreadsheets. If you want to send a wedding gift I will let you know where lol. The address is www.joeandsonya.com. Thanks



  • KyleGatton19th March, 2004

    I,m sorry, but I cant seem to make sense of it. Personally I would clean it up a bit to make it easier to read. Make your calculations vertically instead of horizontally, just easier to read for quick cash flow charts. Switch to horizontal for once you are managing the properties on a monthly basis and need historicals. Use the sheets at the bottom for each property, and one master sheet to call all your stats up so that you can add remarks, and look at each individual investment. Also use the quick sum feature, to calculate your percentages, averages, and arithmetic. You are definitely on the right track. If you need a quick fix there are free excel templates for investors on the internet that you can take and manipulate to your exact specifications.

    Good Luck,

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