Wording To Use In A Forbearance Agreement

My Son is trying to save his home, and he signed a authorization to release for me to talk with the mortgage company.

I called the attorney on the courts foreclosure papers for the mortgage company to ask them about a forbearance agreement. They said He ( my Son ) would have to write a forbearance agreement and send it to them , and they would foward it to the mortgage company.

My questions are # 1 does anyone know how to formatte a forbearance agreement ( what wording should be used ).
# 2 Should I just try to contact the mortgage company and talk to them about the forbearance process.

Thanks for any help you can give.


  • bargain766th April, 2005

    The foreclosing attorney is not going to help you stop the foreclosure in any way.

    You need to contact the mortgage company directly to try to work things out. Good luck.

  • rbjj7th April, 2005

    Thanks SSpro.

    My Son has never had any problems before now. His soon to be ex- wife has already filed for bankrupucy. He wants to try and keep the house, and since his job takes him out of town so much he has signed the authorization for me to get the information.

    I am going to try to reach someone at the mortgage co. today to see what I can find out the forbearance.

    If anyone has information on how to reach someone at WELLS FARGO MORTGAGE , please let me know. This is who has the mortgage.

  • TheShortSalePro7th April, 2005

    the last letter your son received from the collection department will provide the startingpoint address and contact person

    send them your request for a w/o package, and the Letter of Authorization, to them via CRRR mails

  • rbjj7th April, 2005

    Thanks SSpro,

    I assume crrr means certified registrer return recipient.

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