Depending on what part of the country it may make more since to consider vinyl (PVC) windows over aluminum, but other than that you probably want horizontal rolling windows that slide much like sliding doors. They only have 2 moving parts (wheels) that are cheap and easy to replace after a few years of service. Also, depending on where you are in the country and type of weather, insulated glass windows with Low-E coatings will help conserve energy and provide a higher overall value.
If I were you I would get plain, very simple windows so they may be played-up or down by whoever will ultimately live there.
Yes it does make a difference!
Depending on what part of the country it may make more since to consider vinyl (PVC) windows over aluminum, but other than that you probably want horizontal rolling windows that slide much like sliding doors. They only have 2 moving parts (wheels) that are cheap and easy to replace after a few years of service. Also, depending on where you are in the country and type of weather, insulated glass windows with Low-E coatings will help conserve energy and provide a higher overall value.
If I were you I would get plain, very simple windows so they may be played-up or down by whoever will ultimately live there.
ED the contractor