Window Replacement Costs
Good morning!
Could someone please give me a ballpark estimate on window replacement/installation costs? This would be for a single story home plus basement windows, total of about 12 windows.
[ Edited by CarolynWhitaker on Date 04/16/2004 ][ Edited by CarolynWhitaker on Date 04/16/2004 ]
$150 per window.
Thanks, Brenda.
$150 for a very cheap window
$350 for a very good quality window
As always, it depends on where you are. And how much of the work you do yourself. If you do the work yourself here in Atlanta, you can do it for $150,if you get a contractor to do it, it starts at $350.00, and goes upwards from there.
Thanks guys, I'm new at this and just needed a quick number to see if I wanted to go ahead and put an offer in today--and I see that I do! I appreciate your helpfulness...have a great weekend!
Ditto -- it depends on where you are, and the level of property on which you’re working. I always do my initial estimate at $250 per average sized window. It’s remembering to count the windows that causes the problem...
Bear in mind that it takes a decent installer 1/2 hour per replacement, depending on the existing framework. The time value of hiring it out is tremendous. If you can find a reliable sub at $200 a window, you’re doing well.
Excellent...good to know...
How difficult is it to learn to replace a window? I Aam relatively handy, but have never attempted to do this.
It's not tuff. All you do is take the framing from around it, take a recipricating saw, cut the nails holding the window in the frame, then go buy another window, set it in there, and either nail it, or screw it into place and put the frame back up. This is just kind of a generic formula, there's gonna be twists on it, but this is generally the technique.
I've seen so many messed up attempted replacements (crooked frames, see daylight through gaps, etc.) that I am leaning towards a sub...
sub. is the way. i can and have replaced them but i pay to have it done.
I'd definitely sub it, if the cash flow's there...
Good deal, thanks again!
when i started rehabbing i did as much of the work as possible to learn and to save money. now i hire out as much as possible because i know better. lol!
My 150 includes the installation. Maybe windows are cheaper in FL.
I always have the same company measure, order, and install. Last thing you want is everybody pointing fingers. He measured wrong, he ordered the wrong window, he installed it wrong, etc.
Good thinking, thanks!