Will I Have To Pay To Read The Forum In The New Version Of TCI?


I have just discovered this website and I believe that coming here to read the forum is a good way to start learning about this business.

I noticed that you will ask people to pay in the future. Is the fee going to be for the whole website? or certain features of this site? for example having to pay to read what is written in the forum.



  • DaveREI16th September, 2003

    What did I miss....

    Where is this future pay posted or found at?

  • 64Ford16th September, 2003

    I also read that they were considering a fee in the future. I can't find where I read that now, but it was somewhere on this site.
    That is a real negative!

  • fmmp16th September, 2003

    I started to post awhile concerning that but I knew it would be coming soon for on most boards such as this the owners start charging. Hopefully it will be a reasonable fee but not based on membership levels just one flat fee for all would do.

    I really can't blame them because everytime I have been on the board there are always more "guests" slopping up the info than the "members"!

    People if you want info at least take the time to register!!!!!!!!

  • joel16th September, 2003

    Hmm. You noticed this too??

    Please look at the FAQ page about this.

    On 2003-09-16 07:08, fmmp wrote:
    I really can't blame them because everytime I have been on the board there are always more "guests" slopping up the info than the "members"! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_evil.gif">

  • 3qu1ty15th October, 2003

    WebGroup has it slated atr the end of 03

    "TCI Moves Ahead
    The Creative Investor is gearing up for the end-of-the-year launch of its latest version. New features and various access tiers will be available on a payed subscription basis."


    "TCI Becomes #1
    The Creative Investor (tcinvestor.com) has recently surpassed all of its competitors to become the number 1 online real estate community! Receiving more than a million page hits per month, TCI continues to grow by 20% every month."

    ...wish you guys were a stock.

  • dare200323rd October, 2003

    Now THAT would be a good investment hehe

  • flynny23rd October, 2003

    Does anyone have an idea as to how much the fee is going to be?

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