
Why is my post on mortgage notes being deleted if I am not soliciting anything? And if you feel I am soliciting, why don't you just edit whatever is causing you to think it is soliciting and leave the rest up so I can get an answer? I thought the purpose of this forum is to get help. Am I wrong in thinking that?


  • njtaxliens11th October, 2004

    I don't have a problem with those being deleted. I know what I was doing on those replys and I'm alright with that. When I'm at fault I can own up to it. It's like you said...."bored hustler". But when I post a legitamate post, and it's deleted, and especially when I expressly ask for it not to be deleted, but rather edited if there is a problem, and it is still deleted, then I have a problem.
    But hey, what can I do, right? You guys control this.

  • JohnMichael11th October, 2004

    TCI Forum Rules
    Here are the rules that you should abide by when using the TCI Forums. If you do not abide by these rules, your posts can be deleted, and you could be banned from participating in the forums altogether.
    PROPERTY ADVERTISING I have a property for sale...(Properties, Leads etc. are posted in the TCIRealty area for FREE.)
    ADVERTISING Soliciting members through Forum posts*, Private Messages or Email for deals, leads, properties or investors; Soliciting members by advertising your products or services through Forum posts*, Private Messages or Email; Advertising commercial websites through Forum posts* unless the subject matter of the website is responsive to another poster's inquiry. *NOTE: this includes material in your "signature".
    POSTING GROUP EVENTS OR RECRUITING Calling all (Your Location Here) investors...(Group information should be put in the Groups area) OR Group Events should be posted in the calendar area for FREE.
    POSTING PERSONAL INFORMATION You can email me at (youremail@yourdomain.com) or Call me at xxx-xxxx (Contact info is stored in your My Info section of your MyTCI page. This eliminates SPAMMERS )
    BOARD HUSTLING Forum posts* designed to create the impression that you're a guru, "been there done all that", etc. in order to get TCI members to contact you privately. If you are all knowing, you should share your knowledge and information with everybody in your posts and not be secretive. *NOTE: this includes material in your "signature".
    ARGUMENTATIVE TCI forums are positive and encouraging. Forum posts* with or without the use of profane language that are bashing, accusatory, name-calling or argumentative in nature, or demonstrate a lack of basic courtesy and respect for another member. *NOTE: this includes material in your "signature".
    BOARD SPAMMING Duplicate posts in multiple forums (Please pick ONE forum to post your question in.)
    LENDER FISHING I need financing for... (Use the Lender Finder tool. It's FREE)
    YELLING TITLES AND TOPICS WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS!! (It looks like you're either yelling or advertising.)


  • njtaxliens11th October, 2004

    I was aware of the rules and I carefully read that before posting. I didn't violate any of those things when I posted....or at least to my knowledge, and it was still deleted---TWICE. The second time I even prefaced the post with a request to just edit what MAY be against policy instead of deleting it. That way I could at least get the answer to my question. And it was still deleted. I have a business deal going down within the next couple of days and my search for an answer keeps getting deleted.

  • JohnMichael11th October, 2004


    I would suggest you contact to moderator who edited or deleted your post.

  • JohnLocke11th October, 2004


    Take a look at two posts I deleted of yours, you came on this board hustling and if you did read the rules you would know why they were deleted and the comment made.



    John $Cash$ Locke
    TCI Moderator


  • JohnLocke11th October, 2004


    The "Who Me" syndrome.

    John $Cash$ Locke
    TCI Moderator

  • JohnLocke11th October, 2004


    When you first came on this board you were not looking to help anyone but yourself by advertising and hustling, so now you feel you have been unjustly treated.

    It has been my past experience that posters like you do not stop breaking the policies here at TCI, the reason is if you can't understand the rules as simply as they are written, it is because you did not want to.

    So the only person you have to blame is yourself and let me explain further if you do it again you will wind up in the TCI Jail.

    The members here are looking for help with their investing careers, if you are here to help or have legitimate questions then please do, but cut the advertising and hustling.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnMichael11th October, 2004

    On 2004-10-11 16:54, njtaxliens wrote:
    I don't have a problem with those being deleted. I know what I was doing on those replys and I'm alright with that. When I'm at fault I can own up to it. It's like you said...."bored hustler". But when I post a legitamate post, and it's deleted, and especially when I expressly ask for it not to be deleted, but rather edited if there is a problem, and it is still deleted, then I have a problem.
    But hey, what can I do, right? You guys control this.


    Its not who is in control! We have rules and to be a successful investor you must abide by rules.

    We as moderators donate our time and service to this web site, and those who post replies to questions donate their knowledge.

    You said you knew the rules and yet you posted in spite of this fact.

    You stated I expressly ask for it not to be deleted, but rather edited if there is a problem.

    First of all we as moderators help preserve the integrity of this web site and if you had to ask your message not to be deleted sounds like you were trying to get around the rules.

    Post your questions and replies in the guidelines of TCI and they will not be deleted.

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