Why Should Agents Use Video for Marketing

Do you know that 73% off homeowners prefer to work with a real estate agent who includes video in their marketing strategy? Unfortunately, only 9% of agents do that. The reason is because creating video takes more time and effort and some of agents can be shy when they are on the scene.
So look at the following reasons, agents who don’t have real estate videos will find that they are losing lots of potential clients

  • Video is considered the best ROI content by 51% of marketing professional. Video can help agents increase more viewers and boost brand awareness
  • Comaring to text and images, social video generate 1,200% more shares. Agents should make use of social channels to post more video to get more shares and access to their audience
  • 64% of consumers tend to purchase after viewing social video. In real estate, video will help agents get a rise in offers and requests to visit their listed properties
  • Websites which have video embeded can have 51% more likely to rank on page 1 of search engines. Video will be the tool to keep users stay longer on the website, which helps to increase time on page – very important factor in Seo. Agents should not miss this
  • Website can get 80% or more conversion if they include videos. Agent’s webiste with videos embeded on the homepage can have a greater impact and conversion rates. Agents can use a short video of their introduction or their brief of new listings…
  • 96% click-through rate recorded when including video in email marketing strategy. Agents which send newletters or emails weekly can include videos in their letters to get more click-through rate. People will prefer to watch the video than read the long description without visual aids
    Video marketing is obviously an amazing marketing strategy for real estate agent. Listings without video are easy to skip over Make use of drone techniques to capture spectacular view around the listing definitely a great idea.

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