When Creating A LLC.....


I am in the process of creating a LLC in the state of Washington in which I intend to purchase property under the LLC. A few questions I have are:

Should I have my attorney write up the necessary documents for creating a LLC for future liability reasons (any loop holes that potentially can go after my personal assets) or can I do everything my self?

If neither my attorney nor I write up the necessary documents would you recommend****Must participate a while before posting URL's*** or another online site?

Should the mailing address for the LLC be different then my resident or does it matter?

On another post I was reading someone mentioned that in their state they can not put a Deed of Trust (DOT) under their LLC. Someone responded to purchase the property under their name and deed it to the LLC. So when I get my LLC up and going what is the best way to finance? A lender/banker won’t lend my LLC money because it has no assets or money. Should I purchase property under my name and then Quit Claim my interest to the LLC (don’t know if Title will pass)? Another alterative I could try is selling my interest on a Real Estate Contract to the LLC with 0% interest? Any ideas!!! All input will be greatly appreciated!!!


  • InActive_Account13th March, 2005

    Sleep well at night, rest peacfully ....

    Let an accontant do it .

    Been there done that !

  • dieharddave15th March, 2005

    Thanks everybody for the information!! I am thinking of doing it my self just to see how the process is done. I will advise my accountant instead of my attorney. Hey billinseattle, so are you in King or Snohomish? I not ready for Seattle-yet but I am working my way in. Talk to you soon.

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