A tangent is to call all the ads in the local papers which sound like investor ads (I buy houses, etc). One or more are likely to know what investor meetings take place. The list of contacts will never hurt later in any case.
I know one guy who is where you are. I only know him by email but we have discussed some deals he does. If you really are having trouble finding investors locally send me a message and I can electronically introduce the two of you.
Check here and use Google.
A tangent is to call all the ads in the local papers which sound like investor ads (I buy houses, etc). One or more are likely to know what investor meetings take place. The list of contacts will never hurt later in any case.
I know one guy who is where you are. I only know him by email but we have discussed some deals he does. If you really are having trouble finding investors locally send me a message and I can electronically introduce the two of you.
Thanks John.... Great Idea.