Finding Out About Wholesaling/flipping Laws In My State??

How can I find out about flipping/wholesaling laws in Pennsylvania? I wanna know what I can and can't do, what is allowed or prohibited? Is there any site or publication that can give me that info.?

Thanks for your help!! smile


  • jeff1200220th December, 2003

    Wholesaling isn't illegal anywhere I've heard of. What you're referring to as flipping, isn't the same thing as the thing that gets the negative press. (unless you're involved in fraudulent activities aimed at inflating the value of property). Sorry Value was a poor choice of words. Price would be more appropriate.
    You can flip, (if that's the term you want to use) just do it honestly.
    Any Real Estate Attorney should be able to direct you to the real estate laws where you live.
    [ Edited by jeff12002 on Date 12/20/2003 ]

  • sharpREI_PA20th December, 2003

    OK....sounds good!


  • moneyprivate24th December, 2003

    Let me tell you where the problem comes in. RIGHT HERE. Lenders do not know what a flip is. Thats the problem they cant do the loan they call it a flip. HOW OH HOW CAN YOU APPRAISE A HOUSE WITH TITLE?. I should write a real long article about it. Truth is lenders really dont know what one is a flip

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