Chicago Question

For the past 6 months, I have been reading anything I can get my hands on regarding real estate wholesaling/flipping and am more than eager to take the leap into it. I have finally found what I want to do— it’s a great feeling! The thing is, is that all the information that I have read is general, not specific to a certain area—which is good in a lot of ways because now I have an excellent grasp on the process and a great overview of what to do and how it works. I am looking for a mentor in Chicago that I can have some dialoge with, ask questions, and share ideas specific to our market. I am sure that there are nuances or differences specific to the area that just wouldn’t be covered in anything I have read and I want to be as prepared as possible before proceeding and have little margin for error ($$$). I have been blown off recently by a few people whom I have tried to ask questions to—i got the impression that they saw me as a waste of their time (money). I am a quick learner, just need a nudge in the right direction, as I am doing this entirely on my own at this point. I am so close that I can taste it and my desk job is seriously killing me. This is my highest priority right now and i am willing to do anything to get moving. My eternal gratitude to anyone who can help--i promise, i am 100% serious and i will not waste your time. thanks cool grin


  • p606519th October, 2003

    i can help you a bit on what i've gotten out of the chicago market. give me a ring on my e-mail.

  • mortgageman11th October, 2003

    I am investor/mortgage broker in Chicago area. I specialize in working with investors, and providing funds for them to buy and rehab properties, as well as working with people with credit problems, low FICO scores, etc.

    Send me a private message with your contact info, and we can connect.

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