Wholesaling In NEW JERSEY

Hello everyone, I have noticed how different markets are better for certain real estate techniques than others. Can anyone let me know how good is New Jersey for wholesaling. I know it can be done anywhere, but there are markets where its easier than others, is New Jersey a good market to wholesale in or should I try another technique in New Jersey that might work better.


  • cygnus9th December, 2003

    Hey Peter.

    Like you say, wholesaling will work in any market. It really depends on the numbers and your contacts. The more networking you can do with other investors, contractors and homeowners the easier it will be to find your niche.

    I'm also in NJ. Drop me a line if you want to talk or you find a deal you need to unload.

    Good Luck.

  • prodx9th December, 2003

    Hi Cygnus, fellow Maplewoodian here. I am interested in learning a bit more about wholesaling in NJ as well.

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