Wholesaler Vs. Rehabber

Is it easier to come across deals as a rehabber vs. a wholesaler because,from what I've seen, being a wholesaler you have to drop the price down to almost $0 (exaggeration) to be able to flip it to a rehabber/investor for anyone to make a profit off of it? and with being a rehabber, once you find the deal yourself, you can be a little more negotiable with the selling price since you are the one who is going to retail it, correct?


  • kenmax9th July, 2004

    i find them equally as easy to find. if you buy "right" there is profit in either method. the rehab. generally will produce more profit than a w/s but the process takes longer to move the prop. alot depends on your ability as a rehabber and yes with a larger profit margin you can be more flexible.......kenmax

    <font size=- and >[ Edited by kenmax on Date 07/09/2004 ]</font>[ Edited by kenmax on Date 07/09/2004 ]

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