HI Creative Investor...

Anybody bought a property and offered the Seller collateral with Discounted Bonds... Can I here from anyone...?

What I want do is ...

Youknow how everyone wants to steer you into something that you do not want.

Well I Want to protect my Civil (SAGE)
I have spices all over the USA an the World...(Creative works of art letscall it...when it is really LIFE...)

and some are completed and in position very strategically especially now that war is on.


I Would like to Ask Permission.

Simply that...many things go much better that way if people just think and this is where I am going to need the help of the United States...and everybody.

To have the United States Treasury take me by the hand...and go to the Comptroller of Currency ...

Then the US Treasury is in hover in the mezzanine of Finance...I go with the assitance ( the hand again....) to the FDIC:

YEP the big brother of the Board itsself...(where money talks and @#+_%)(*@# walks...)

then with the aforementioned in tandum hover the two Agencys set aside for ME (little me...) a small letter that states that this consumer has taken the time to ask permission to
Purchase the Past, Present & the Future
He/she may not be a Laureate (educated)
nor a billiant Rocket scientist...but he has asked permission to protect things that his Grandmother an (((grandfather))) sweated bled over for the last 2000 years and WE the AGENCYS AGREE that if more persons would act in this Fashion we could grow up as SUPER ADULT ................well attired in business and pratice well orchestrated with permission of not only those that here now are willing to give him/her a chance,
but the sound of his/their asking has carried over to win the hearts of some influencial International Regents and they from the KNOWS OF HISTORY,,..., will give credance to their word for saving what is True and Good...(Moral Fiber) the binder threshold of Historical Fact...and that is Family business ...this is where I need the permission of the US to A. (See...?)


I WANT TO be able to say that when I get home and have offered to the Seller 30% more in his asking price for the property and he asks WHY...? I can comfortably say with premiss that our lineage is short and I wanted to save it...and go and do what I have heard all my life but knew nothing about till I came into being an Adult...( and a member of the Creative Investor...If I can get a good answer and a recipe of step by step how to do this...)

To me and many of you will laugh it is like World Peace...and Utopia where else than Real Estate...is this not what was trying to be sold during the Western Expanse and the Pioneering days of yore...many ( I could go on to tell you a brilliant story of how it could fit but it would seem impossible when you want to talk business... )

Formulea ....ahh yes...!

I would like the Banker whom for years has told me to take the percent and keep quiet about it...and allow the premission which is like my Grandmother an Grandfather coming back from their place of rest, to say that during the bargaining part of any an (all future) sales your price is too HIGH...

well now with the permission I can proove the US TREASURY tells the Comptroller of Currency to bring a calculator and three persons from the board of Directors from the FDIC and DO IT this way because I now know about it...and I can do something about it knowing where it is you wantto,have safe an sound and not always taken advantage of without your due dilligence or knowledge to get old and forgetful is a sad excuse to wind up in Foreclosure...or worse: Medically challenged because the Speed of Light was applied where the Speed of Sound used to heal a particular group of people...

Not more Dying and Strife....Ahhh sounds good to me...

Where did I leave off...? Right in the middle of negotiations and the total price of the property being covered by Discounted Bonds...

say the price of the property is 1.2 - 1.5 Million Dollars (USD) and the bonds to cover that Would be 70.00 /par/ 1000.00USD when matured ...( now am I making sense...? I want to give the buyer a ladder strategy that in every evein adn odd year he will have a nice outlay of income coming from the 30% over the full asking price of the property that is sold to me...WHY??? because it


Everybody else has to think red white and blue but you asked permission yours is for the asking and you do not even have to say a word where you got this crazy idea from...it has been there all the time in history and no one wants to qualify for it so it will protect...and not be rejected and spawned as bad candor in international business....





A Little help with the with the above formulae any one that knows anything about asking permission on buying the names an the addresses an the forms to have in the computor so I can do this over an over an over an over ....will you get the picture...AGAIN


Freshman Investor...

rasberry LOL oh oh LOL downer oh oh wink mad cool smile confused smile cool grin mad surprised surprised rasberry >smile cool grin cool grin oh oh mad surprised LOL rasberry LOL rasberry mad oh oh confused


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