Who pays double closing costs?

When "flipping" a property by doing a double closing, who should pay for what closing costs? The closing would take place at my title/escrow company. Is my seller responsible for any of the costs? Is the person buying from me responsible for any costs? I'll be paying for title search but not insurance. But how bout as far as costs associated with closing? Thanks for the help!


  • jcattin10th April, 2003

    Most closing costs are negotiable, which means that they can be paid by the seller or the buyer, whatever the terms of the contract call for or you can negotiate. Ecsrow is sometimes paid for half from the seller and half from the buyer.

    Best of Luck,

    Jorgan Cattin

  • tonyt3310th April, 2003

    Thanks jcattin. Although that is true, it is still a little too open-ended of an answer for me. Has anyone out there done a double closing? Who paid for what during your transaction?

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