Who Are These Buyers Anyway??


I guess the thing that concerns me the most (having not done a deal yet) is finding the buyers - not the sellers - after taking control of a house.

Who are these people anyway? It seems like in today's market, anybody with a job could buy a house conventionally. What kind of people will lenders NOT approve for a loan...that ARE able to put say 10% down? REALLY bad credit people (with CASH - do they exist?)? Drug dealers?

Would you suggest running a phony ad in the Sat paper to get a pool of potential buyers?

Thanks for your help.



  • 3qu1ty7th November, 2003

    You might of seen it already but reading the article "Having A Buyer List Will Increase Your Overall Success" might give you some perspective. I was talking with a neighbor whose son just moved in with his five kids he's saving up for his down payment. He is on my buyer list. They are out there.

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