Which Way Do I Go? Subject To Or Subject To?

Sure you can certainly make more money by getting a new loan but there is an opportunity cost associated with it.

You can literally buy hundreds of subject to properties. I think that John Locke alone bought over 500! How many properties can you by if you go apply for a loan? My guess--not as many.

So is there enough extra profit in there that warrents a new loan?

You mention that you could maybe find someone, have them take out the loan, and sell to you subject to. There isn't many people that would sign you over a title to a house that they owe a huge loan on without a compelling reason. Your "partner" isn't going to be modivated like the seller is.



  • InActive_Account14th January, 2005

    Hrmm.. Forclosure or sell to investor subject to:

    What would you do??

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