Which Comes First???

Have done some reading, alot actually. Just started on the ads in paper, called a few FSBO. While husband and I are feeling frustrated already....(anxious I guess), we're undecided on which is more important....finding the motivated seller and tying up the property, then quickly following thru with due diligence OR, do you NEED to find your end tenant buyer first? I've heard comments both ways but authors Conti & Finkel seem to prefer the find 'seller' and then end buyer method. Can someone please share their opinion? Thanks in advance!


  • Rogue17th December, 2003

    It depends on your market. There are some areas of the country where L/O & CFD ads seem to be a dime a dozen; while other areas they are scarce. That is, it seems there are some areas where finding motivated sellers are the challenge and others where finding the buyers are a challenge.

    Generally speaking, I would say find the deal first. If you can find a good enough deal, you should be able to find buyers. However, if you find buyers and no deals then the time and money spent on finding the buyers may be wasted (i.e., your buyer's list may get old).

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