Where To Start, Investor On The Go

Just wanted to get some opinions.

I'm in the military and always going and coming back, leaving again and coming back. I'm looking for some suggestions as to what kind of RE investing would be best for my schedule.

I'm so interested in so many different things. Short Sales, Wholesaling, Section 8 rentals, etc. I don't want to wait and stand still until I'm out of the service. I'm ready to roll now, TODAY.

I will probably dip into each type and see what works best for me. But just wanted to hear from some Investors, and maybe get some recomendations, see what you think would be best for someone on the go to concentrate their RE investing on.



  • Birddog111th March, 2004

    I would suggest wholesaling. The reason for this, is because if you away, who's going to take care of the properties that you own? Are you going to hire a managment company? Well there is a profit loss there off the bat, not to mention repairs, and all the other little things that come along with rentals.

    With subject tos, once you get paid, the job isn't done, you still need to follow up and make sure you can get rid of the property, and not tie up your money.

    With wholesaling, you can aquire a property, then flip it, and thats it, your paid, the property is gone, and you can move on, or in your case, move away.

    Just my two cents.

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