Where To Get Inexpensive Copy Of Credit Report And Rating For All Three Bureaus?

Thanks a lot! grin


  • jam20010th August, 2004

    http://www.myfico.com I think they're like $12.95 per report.

  • myfrogger10th August, 2004

    Possibly a mortgage broker as they can put it very cheaply and will likely give you a copy (even though I don't think they are supposed to).

  • KimInAustin10th August, 2004

    If a mortgage broker views it, does it count on my report as an inquiry?

    What if I pull it? Does that count?


  • InActive_Account10th August, 2004

    I believe it does.

    You might want to pull 3-bureau out for complete reviews as their information is different.

    Check credit bureau websites and find the cheaptest one, around $35 for reports and score.

  • leadman10th August, 2004

    3 reports/3 scores for $29.95
    I found this site :
    Self pulls do not affect your rating - as I have read !
    Think about it, you can sign up for services to check your credit on a regular basis. Would kind of negate the whole principal behind keeping your credit intact if self pulls only knocked it down.
    My logic for what its worth.

  • emtutusa23rd August, 2004

    Pulling your credit yourself does not affect your score. As far as that score goes, BE AWARE: Scores can differ greatly from company to company. Not all "scores" are true FICO scores. I checked my credit once from a free service and from www.myfico.com at the same time. There was a 40 point difference is the scores. Some of the free sites have their own scoring method. Make sure when getting a credit "score" it is your FICO because that is the one that matters. You can get All 3 scores and 3 online credit reports from TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax from www.myfico.com for $38.85

  • sKauGhTiEe23rd August, 2004

    I guess Walmart . com offers it now...

  • kenmax23rd August, 2004

    www.countrywidecreditguard.com easy to read and cheap.........km

  • mike336727th August, 2004

    just go to the big three sites and pay the 9 or so bucks for the reports . the online disputing is way worth it in my opion

  • tjbab28th August, 2004

    Depending on what state your in.Some states (like md) will give a free report once a year.After that it cost 10.00 a www.report.check out your state laws.why pay for something that you migt be able to get for free LOL

  • Clarion12th January, 2005

    You can visit :


    You can get a free report from all three CRA's. Hope this helps.

  • Clarion12th January, 2005

    You can visit :


    You can get a free report from all three CRA's. Hope this helps.

  • mrare6812th January, 2005

    A word of advice try to dispute everything negative. I just had two legitamate collection accounts removed because they did not respond in the alotted time frame. My score jumped 60 points in 2months time. It is worth a try it worked for me.

  • flacorps13th January, 2005

    Quick notes: self-pulls do not affect FICO scores, however, they do increment a counter (at least with TU). While probably irrelevant to consumer (noncommercial) credit, the counter can be viewed in a commercial credit scenario, and is sometimes factored into banks' internal scoring system ... if you are a frequent puller, the internal score will tank, and you won't get the loan.

    There are several services on the net that let you pull a lot for one annual charge, and www.privacyguard.com seems to be the one favored by most users. Some others are "mycreditkeeper" and "truecredit".

    Scores that come from PG are not FICO scores, but copycat algorithms with a wide margin of error. They are referred to as "FAKO" scores ... figure +/- 50 points, with a tendency to underestimate high FICO scores and overestimate low FICO scores.

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