Where Do I Post Looking For Investors?

I am a Realtor in San Diego and am looking to partner up with more seasoned investors with knowledge of the San Diego area who are willing to lend their expertise and share in the profits. Where is the best place to post this type of request?

Thank you.


  • alexlev3rd December, 2004

    I hear what you're saying. But maintaining this site costs both time and money. I joined when it was still all free, but I learned so much that I was more than willing to pay a reasonable amount to help this site continue its development. If it wasn't for this site and everyone who contributes their experience to it, there's no way my annual real estate cash flow could go from $0 to over $50k in 18 months.

    Also, I've recently been interested in getting involved in a franchise business. So after reading half a dozen books on the subject, I visited the only franchise focused discussion site on the web. It's free. It also has all of about two or three posts per day, and is extremely unfriendly. Most people posing a question are told that they are completely unrealistic, haven't done their research, and have no business being in franchising. Just think about where we would all be if that was the attitude on this site. I respect your view, but at this point, I think the fees involved are still reasonable and continue to make this site worthwhile.

  • Luv2flip3rd December, 2004

    True, and I agree with you. Which brings up the point of why I like this forum...I can honestly say how I feel about some things and see others point of views as well smile Thank you for the kind response, as I am not trying to downplay this site...I actually love it smile

  • LadyGrey5th December, 2004

    I am well aware of how much it costs to run a site...

    That said, why do I have to pay money to find out who PM'd me and about what? For all I know, I could dole out that money to upgrade and find it was something stupid, like someone trying to sell me something.

    I have no trouble paying if it means I can do property searches, list properties I want to sell privately rather than through a realtor, etc.

    But I think PMs are a little over the top. wink rolleyes

  • joel5th December, 2004

    Believe me, I was very hesitant to start charging for the TCI last year. Especially the long time visitors. I have given three years to the development to the site and paid myself about 1/4 of what I am worth in the technical market to do so to get the business up and running.

    I am not complaining about my past choices, I had fun developing TCI and still do.

    I have always wanted TCI to be professional, informative, and fun. NOTICE: I put professional in the previous sentence before everything else. I made it for the real working Real Estate Investor. (because the real Real Estate Investor knows that the subscription is tax deductable) and worth 100x it's price in Real Estate. Deals can be made or lost based on your decision to be a member of TCI.

    Our last months survey showed. 80% of paid members have done a deal after they subscribed. Subscribed, not joined. Only subscribers can participate in the polls.

    Making the website for the professional investor is also why we started Commercial TCI this last quarter. It is made for the working Real Estate Investing professional and people who work with them.

    Unlike the plethora of REI websites out there, we want to bring high-technology to Real Estate Investing while providing a great value. And if there is one geek that is out there that can do it. It's me and my hand selected webdev-team.

    I want to keep as many features on our website for free for as long as we can, because I feel that would have been the way I wanted it back in '98 when I started.

    Ask yourself this question though:

    If the websites you go to haven't changed a thing since you started using it, or paid for, for that matter, is it still worth it. Take a look at where we were 3 years ago:

    Surprise! We haven't stopped development. Ideas for our site are a dime a dozen, it is the man power and funding that is what is needed to complete it. And that comes with expense. And the expenses are covered by the subscription prices.

    Two things come before the customers of TCI. More features and My family. Sorry for having to charge.

  • joel5th December, 2004

    You might be interested in TCI Commercial this year in '05. There we will be having more of the higher end Real Estate Professionals work over there.


    Also, I've recently been interested in getting involved in a franchise business. So after reading half a dozen books on the subject, I visited the only franchise focused discussion site on the web. It's free. It also has all of about two or three posts per day,

  • joel6th December, 2004

    If they are selling or spamming you, you need to report it. But generally it should be another TCI member getting in contact with you about your property. So it is up to you if you want to subscribe and close the deal.

    That said, why do I have to pay money to find out who PM'd me and about what? For all I know, I could dole out that money to upgrade and find it was something stupid, like someone trying to sell me something.

  • rmdane20006th December, 2004

    just an FYI, even if you are in the highest tax bracket, the cost is still around 70%, straight out of the pocket...

    That being said, I'd be willing to pay for a service that gave me original content and "insider information" such as ORIGINAL artciles, local market data, etc. Me paying to PM people, and a few other things, not likely. There are other online RE related websites I subscribe to. None of them are message boards/forums, because I pay for research and data. If TCI offered original content and such for subscribers, i'd consider it. The listings really don't apply to me because i'm from a small market.

    Also, I don't understand the inability of non-subscribers from submitting articles. I believe I tried to submit an article I wrote about RE valuation awhile back when I joined and I believe it said I couldn't because I wasn't subscribed. It seems you are passing up on alot of good articles by only allowing subscribers to submit. Also, since I can't make comments to articles smile, i'd like to say I'm also abit upset about articles that appear to be plagiarized. Maybe a forum or something for "Online Articles" or something is needed. Also, some articles have information that appears to be incorrect. Things such as this make it difficult for me to consider subscribing. PLEASE don't take my comments personal. I'm just expressing my concerns and attempting to better the site for all...

    A bit rambling, but just my 2 cents.

  • cwal6th December, 2004

    let's face it ...it's 96 cents a week...less than the price of a cup of coffee...if anything, it's without a doubt, the best bargain with the most bang on the internet...i too used it when it was free but it has got even better and more interesting w/ real pros as mentors...how can you put a price on that...CWal

  • cwal6th December, 2004

    i guarantee you...that if this wasn't the best, they wouldn't be here...no they don't get paid in the forums, but guess what...they are here...of course you can go to their bootcamps & pay 1000's or spend 96 cents a week & pick up real nuggets...take your choice...CWal

  • rmdane20006th December, 2004

    Well, i believe i can still save the 96 cents a week and still pick up the so called "nuggets"...i'm just not willing to pay money just to pay money...I want something substantive...that I consider to add value and that i actually i want...I feel 99% of what I want or feel is valuable is already free on the site...

  • cwal6th December, 2004

    get some perspective...surely your kidding...if your that up tight about 96 cents a week, i'm afraid no one here can help you...regards, CWal

  • commercialking6th December, 2004

    Well it seems to me that there are a number of "themes'" here that should be addressed.

    1) TCI's Unique Content

    By my very rough count this morning the forums at TCI have more than 30,000 threads. Many of those threads have dozens of responses. This body of information regarding real estate "how to" is probably unmatched anywhere. If you believe that you have access to this information for free and therefore a subscription is unnecessary then think again.

    Imagine a text book without an index. Its a thousand pages or so and you know that the information you want is in there but without an index its pretty useless. In my opinion the fifty-dollar per year All-star access level which gives you the ability to search the forums is the best bargain in real estate education. Without it you are skimming the surface of the information available here.

    2) Private Messaging should be free

    At one level I understand this idea. Hotmail, yahoo, juno and dozens of others will give you a free e-mail address. How come TCI won't?

    The difference, of course, is that Hotmail, etc. are funding your free e-mail by means of other businesses that they engage in for profit. And as a result everybody's e-mail account fills up with spam and other unwanted advertising and the selling of spam filters is a million dollar industry. While it is possible that LadyGrey's mysterious PM correspondent could be trying to sell her something it is unlikely that it is spam content (if it is and she reports it the spammer will be warned and if the behavior continues quickly banned from the site). Much more likely is somebody who has seen some post of hers and has additional questions. Or somebody trying to sell her something-- a nice little re-hab in Miami, for example. After all, isn't that one part of why we are here-- to improve our deal-making?

    I get a couple of dozen PM's a month on this site. So far I have 4 or 5 transactions (none of which have closed yet but one looks likely before the end of the year) and a dozen or so very good contacts out of the process. Some of those are people talking about investing in transactions with me, some are bird-dogs looking for properties for me to invest in. Some are people offering joint ventures looking for expertise in their projects. Any one of those deals would absorb the $50 per year cost of doing business without a blink. Of those PM's I've recieved since I joined TCI I believe only one or two were spam.

    3) TCI is the best but I can get most of it for free so why should I subscribe just to get the remander?

    Well, except for Cwal's "you gotta be kidding" response I have the following to add: Even if it were all free it would still be worthwhile to subscribe just so you would know you had contributed to Joel's financial success. The site he has put together here is awsome, the knowledge available through this community of experts is worth many times the price of subscription. Rm, you're like a guy who goes around with his eyes on the sidewalk looking for dropped change while walking past million-dollar deals but too afraid he might miss a dropped quarter to raise his head.

    Luv2flip said "I actually wish you great fortune and karma because of the site you've set up to help others with the tools we need to invest and make money properly. " Ok, lets talk about Karma if you will. What do you think are the Karmic repercussions of taking and using somebody else's work for your own benefit and then being unwilling to even toss them a dime in recompense? And then whining that they even asked for the dime and didn't give you the benefit without thought of reward? Bad Karma, man.

    Finally, Cwal. I think TCI is even better than your average guru course. Not only because its cheaper but because the information tends to be better. The people giving advice here are hands-on participants in the real estate industry. When you make a post and ask a question that question is getting reviewed and answered by dozens of people who's livelyhood is exactly the thing you are having an issue with. Even those thousands of dollars boot camps don't have that kind of focus on the exact issue you are having trouble with.

    So, is TCI the best of all possible web sites? Nah, probably not. But its still worth every penny of fifty bucks.

  • JohnMichael6th December, 2004

    I to was a member when this site was free.

    Look at it this way if you want to.

    It cost $229.95 to join as a Hall of Famer per year that's less than $20 a month and is tax deductible.

    What you will learn at TCI is simply how to make money in real estate, so it will cost you a few dollars to learn how to make money and what you learn you can use for a life time.

    For me this forum has provided a wealth of information in the world of real estate investing.

    My students pay $2,000 to $7,0000 each to learn real estate investing and for personal one on one coaching they pay over $10,000 and this is not uncommon in the industry.

    This forum is a 24/7 learning tool for only $20 a month! The value can not be beat!

    Let's simply take this to the ridiculous it cost less than .64 cents a day to be a member of TCI.

    That's less than one cup of coffee at most coffee houses!

  • JohnMichael6th December, 2004

    On 2004-12-06 08:56, rmdane2000 wrote:
    I hope everyone doesn't stick on one part of my post...did I ever say this site isn't worth anything? NO! Its my OPINION, can i have one?, that what is charged for isn't necessary the meat of the site. Thats all i'm saying. And for those that say "throw joel a bone"...i've donated to non-profit sites plently, most related to linux, but i'm not into "donating" to for profit operations...if its for profit...I don't care if its $50 or $500, I don't just give me my money away. Its the principal of the matter.

    And anyone paying $10,000 for one-on-one with a so called guru is getting hosed...Please note that Trump doesn't even consider himself a "guru" he is a RE Investor, plain and simple...Look at a significant local investor in your area...they've all been successful at RE and i doubt any of them say they are "gurus"...I've never met one in my area..."guru" is a marketing buzzword...

    <font size=-1>[ Edited by rmdane2000 on Date 12/06/2004 ]</font>


    No need to attack, like you can I not have an opine as well?

    I just shared a thought like you!

    No need to discredit.

  • joel6th December, 2004

    We have done away with the FREE trial subscriptions. Too cumbersome to manage. People would abuse the Private Messaging and Forum areas.

    We consider the only serious investors to be the ones who will subscribe. And to be honest, those are the investors we want on the site.

    On 2004-12-06 08:41, nbhomes wrote:
    Joel, tease me for a week and give me access. If the information is as juicy as I think it will be, I'm sure I'd never leave.
    Thank you for your hospitality.

  • nbhomes6th December, 2004

    I'm sure it won't make a difference to me. I'm just a babysteps type of person. Kind of like, not buying property if you can't see the inside. I think I learned that here.

    Can you go into a little more detail on what type of membership I need to do a search? and does a different level give me "advanced" search capabilities. I've already decided to pull out the credit card, but now I need to make sure I am getting what I need.

  • JohnMichael6th December, 2004

    On 2004-12-06 09:58, nbhomes wrote:
    I'm sure it won't make a difference to me. I'm just a babysteps type of person. Kind of like, not buying property if you can't see the inside. I think I learned that here.

    Can you go into a little more detail on what type of membership I need to do a search? and does a different level give me "advanced" search capabilities. I've already decided to pull out the credit card, but now I need to make sure I am getting what I need.

    Hi Tom,

    I'm not Joel but you can go to the subscribe link of TCI you can compare what plan would fit you best.


  • ahmedmu6th December, 2004

    I know how valuable TCI and the money spent on subscription is worth spending. But I still think PM should be free. If you are a paying subscriber and send a PM to someone who is not, you never know that fact; you might think the other guy is being lazy or disrespectful.

  • getgoing6th December, 2004

    I don't just give me my money away. Its the principal of the matter.

    And why is Joel any different? Im sure he has a ton of time and money into this, why should he give it to you?

  • commercialking6th December, 2004


    The "all-star" level gets you forum search capacity. The levels above that get you access to the property listings more quickly. Properties must be listed for either a week or two (depending on property type) before "all-stars" get to see them. This gives the higher-paying subscribers a jump on you.


  • joel6th December, 2004

    All of our membership details can be shown here:

    On 2004-12-06 09:58, nbhomes wrote:
    Can you go into a little more detail on what type of membership I need to do a search? and does a different level give me "advanced" search capabilities. I've already decided to pull out the credit card, but now I need to make sure I am getting what I need.

  • joel6th December, 2004

    Like I said before, people abused the system, and started spamming others because of it. People tend to play by the rules when money is involved.

    On 2004-12-06 10:36, ahmedmu wrote:
    I know how valuable TCI and the money spent on subscription is worth spending. But I still think PM should be free. If you are a paying subscriber and send a PM to someone who is not, you never know that fact; you might think the other guy is being lazy or disrespectful.

  • bnorton6th December, 2004

    Luv2Flip, rmdane2000, and nbhomes,

    When I was broke, I was looking for free stuff too. It is normal. But, what you are doing, is stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime. Would you buy a house, fix it up, and sell it for free? That is exactly what you are asking Joel to do. No one says you have to be a hall of famer. For $5 per month, you can get Rookie access. I would be willing to bet every week there is more than $5 you cannot account for that simply seems to vanish.

    I am successful because of my team. My team makes me successful because they are motivated to perform in many different ways, but there is one thing I do that is critical. I make sure they get paid. TCI is a critical team member. I make sure they get paid. Just in the last quarter of this year, I made 30K in profit just from the deals that involved TCI in one way or another. I have no reservations about paying TCI 230.00 for access. It is well worth it. You make your own choices, and your income will be a direct reflection on the choices you made. But for me, TCI is a winner.


  • commercialking6th December, 2004

    Couple of things,

    1) Joel, could you allow people access to at least see who the PM is from and its subject line for free? Then they could decide whether it was worth paying for to read.

    2) Review of Rmdanes posts seem to say he thinks you are giving away the meat and charging for the potatoes and he'd just as soon then only eat meat. I suppose there is some truth to that. Most of us seem to be responding by saying that the price of the potatoes is cheap enough, so what's the big deal?

  • bnorton6th December, 2004


    If you make a choice that isn't a high enough level to meet your needs, you can always upgrade. Joel is very good about helping with the transition if you need an upgrade.


  • osemeneb6th December, 2004

    Ok, my 2 cents. I practically live on TCI because of all the information. I plan to upgrade to get full access to the site. The information is totally amazing! Joel, I believe in supporting someone you believe in, and not just talk about it, and that's why I decided to join. When you give, it comes right back to you. This is an AMAZING website, and the encouragement and free information you receive is wonderful. If you don't plan to use it alot, then just pay the minimal cost and still enjoy the site. I've been with TCI for a while, and now I'm utilizing all the information I can get. Joel, THANK YOU for all that you provide for us on this site. Money can never repay what you've given in return.

  • Ruman6th December, 2004

    Just because you are only paying for PMs and a few other features, does NOT mean your $$ only goes towards developing those particular features!! In my opinion, Joel is doing a favor for the "newbies" out there by letting them read the forums to learn for free! Everyone deserves their reward, if Joel and his team is profiting off our $50/year, so be it. I know by them making a profit, they are going to be even MORE motivated to make this site a better and more knowledgable place. Do you expect someone working for free, to work hard? No, and you shouldn't expect them to. I know theres a big part of me that wouldn't be where I am today in RE without the knowledge on this board. That, to me, is worth giving Joel and his team $50/year to provide us all with a place to gather and discuss ideas. Imagine, tomorrow, if the TCI board was gone. How would that make you feel? Isn't it worth a measly $50/year to make sure that won't happen?

    Thanks Joel,

    On 2004-12-06 13:36, osemeneb wrote:
    Ok, my 2 cents. I practically live on TCI because of all the information. I plan to upgrade to get full access to the site. The information is totally amazing! Joel, I believe in supporting someone you believe in, and not just talk about it, and that's why I decided to join. When you give, it comes right back to you. This is an AMAZING website, and the encouragement and free information you receive is wonderful. If you don't plan to use it alot, then just pay the minimal cost and still enjoy the site. I've been with TCI for a while, and now I'm utilizing all the information I can get. Joel, THANK YOU for all that you provide for us on this site. Money can never repay what you've given in return.

  • kenmax6th December, 2004

    its worth the sub. to know that there are like kind out there to talk to. in that arena no matter how much you know about rei you will still always learn more.........km

  • Ruman6th December, 2004

    Last I checked I had allstar access. I purchased Locke's sub-2 manual. I needed that at the time this site became pay, I figured it was an excellent combo.

    On 2004-12-06 16:40, nbhomes wrote:
    how come you're not paying the measly $90 a year subscription?

  • nbhomes6th December, 2004

    now we're getting to the good stuff...
    what would you recommend I buy to get the excellent combo deal. My circumstances are listed above.

  • JohnMichael6th December, 2004

    On 2004-12-06 16:51, nbhomes wrote:
    now we're getting to the good stuff...
    what would you recommend I buy to get the excellent combo deal. My circumstances are listed above.

    Tom John Locke's Sub 2 is one of the best programs around - He need's the $$ - He will never make a good Wal Mart Greeter - Just look at his Photo "LOL".

    Truly this course along with his coaching is some powerful stuff - Shoot if you can't get a deal with his program and coaching in 12 months - I will buy his program back from you - This is good stuff.

  • JohnMichael6th December, 2004

    On 2004-12-06 17:22, nbhomes wrote:
    ok, who wants to hold my hand and walk me through the bookstore. i did a search on John lockes sub 2 and also sub 2 and nothing came up.
    Also, what is your opinion on LeGrier Associates, LLC - Making Money with Short Sales (E-Book)
    I know I'm only half way there with cost, but it sounds interesting.
    Foreclosure seems to be a good market here.

    <font size=-1>[ Edited by nbhomes on Date 12/06/2004 ]</font>

    Ok try:




  • kenmax7th December, 2004

    johns course is great i have it...........km

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