Where Can I Get Investors To Buy Properties?

I am just getting started in the foreclosure business, i have plenty of properties but have no idea how to get find investors to purchase. I have ordered all different courses but not one shows where or how to find investors to buy these properties. I have looked into these 50/50 profit companies but not really sure how to do this. What can i do? :-? :-?


  • InActive_Account12th January, 2005

    You own propertys or you have them under contract?? If you own them try a newspaper ad or list with a realtor. If you have them under contract maybe you should have found the investors before you made offers.

  • InActive_Account12th January, 2005

    You own propertys or you have them under contract?? If you own them try a newspaper ad or list with a realtor. If you have them under contract maybe you should have found the investors before you made offers.

  • nikomufasa18th January, 2005

    As people in other posts here have said. Place ads in newspaper: "Rent to own" no qualifying, Bad credit ok etc. you should be inindated with calls. Then find buyers from calls. Don't pre judge based on first thing they tell you. Meet with them explore and encourage solutions. Many people that arent homeowners yet. Just don't know enough to be, or have pre concieved notions about why they can't.

    You have homes, they want home. Help them find a way to get into the home you have.

    Happy hunting. :-D

  • arytkatz18th January, 2005

    Are you saying you found plenty of properties, but can't find an investor to flip the prop's to? (that's what it sounds like, unlike the last reply that was telling you how to find retail buyers).

    To find investors:
    1. Go to your local REI club meeting--you'll meet plenty of investors there.

    2. Call all the "We Buy Houses" ads in the paper. These people are all investors--and if they're worth their salt would love to have another set of "feet on the street" tracking down deals for them.

    Write down a list of questions asking them things like:
    a. what type of prop's are you looking for?
    b. what price range and what range of rehabbing?
    c. what areas do they focus on (and which do they stay away from)?
    d. will they pay an assignment fee (you find the deal, sign a contract, then bring them into the deal) or do they just do bird-dog fees (you find the deal, they do all the rest)?
    e. what kind of margins are they looking for in a deal before they'd touch it?
    f. what's the best way to communicate a deal to them if you find one?

    ...those sorts of things--the important thing is to show investors is your willingness to learn, to work hard, to not be greedy, etc. (basically all the things your mom taught you before you went to kindergarten grin

    You can build your Investor/buyer list this way.


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