Where Can I Get A Finder's Fee Agreement Contract?

I am looking for a finder's fee agreement. I would like to have this so if I wanted some people to do bird dogging I would like to have a contract that if a house was sold that they would get a certain percentage or flat fee for helping me out.

Can someone tell me where I can get one to print out right now?

Please send me a pm! Thanks. surprised


  • rajwarrior19th November, 2003

    From your attorney.


  • Lufos19th November, 2003

    Dear Mr. or Mrs or Ms Birddog, aka as a Real Estate Analyst.

    I, --------John Doosy, do hereby promise and afirm that any real estate matter that you bring to my attention and that I act on in any capacity known to god and most of the present day inhabitants of this globe. I will pay you a finders fee of 10% of my net profit. I will pay you this sum the day I get the profit.

    So help me god.

    Signed John Doosey

    Sealed in Blood. dated: 7-32-2003

    I accept this contract and will perform as best as I am able.

    Signed Louisa Mae Alcott A fully veted Real Estate Analyst.

    Thats it, signed sealed and if you intend to sue at some future date have it witnessed by two people.

    There are all kind of variations on the above theme, but thats the gist. If you like get an attorney and he will embelish and clelan and correct spelling, and attach it to a blue back, play background music while you sign whatever. Write it on parchmant. What really matters is that you both do what you say you will do and the rest is. BS. If it works good for both of you, well then carry on the partnership.

    My very best to both. Lucius

  • rbaldwinasociates19th November, 2003



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