When Is The Best Time To Advertise Property Is Available?(m)

When you have a property for rent, when is the best time to place an ad for it while you're cleaning it from last tenants or can you do advertise while current tenants are still there but on their way out? Like an upcoming vacant property type of thing?

Thanks everyone


  • bnorton17th August, 2004

    There are arguments on both sides of the issue. If you show a house to someone before it is ready, they may say no. If you wait until it is ready, the same potential tenant may have found something else. Me, I prefer to generate traffic as soon as possible.

  • 3qu1ty20th August, 2004

    First opinions are important. If your tenants keep the place in good clean condition then an overlap would work for you. If the place is a wreck then you might want to clean it up and show it vacant.

  • commercialking20th August, 2004

    Advertising is best done the same way we vote here in Chicago, Early and Often.

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