When Is A Verbal Contact Enforcable

I think this is the wrong place to post this, but I stumbled across it, and it seems like knowledgable people might be able to help.
Quick Background info:
I live in a house at college with 6 other people. All of us are fraternity brothers together. Last fall, we needed to resign our lease for the upcoming school year. We didnt have 6 people to sign, so other brothers stepped in and signed for it. We eventually had enough people that agreed to live in the house.
But only 3 of us are on the lease originally. The rest became brothers that semester, and were never put on the lease, it was forgotten about. This summer, some of us in the house, got in a fight with one of the non-lease guys, and he decided he was leaving the house, it wasnt that big of a deal at the time, the other 5 of us would have to put up an extra $200 each to fill the spot for the fall semester.
He decided to be bitter, and tried to pull his brother and another friend into the new place he is moving into. Both of these other two verbally agreed to living in the house, both with witnesses, and I have email conversations in which one is also stating he will be living in the house.
My question is, with the other two he is trying to pull out of the house, can we force them to stay here/pay rent if they decide to move?
(We live in PA, if thats relevant at all)



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