What Signs Do You Use?

hi, i am wondering what bandit signs to get. has anybody used the "we buy forclosures" signs and if so how well did they work. I have looked at many differant choices but just dont know which one to pick. "avoid forclosure", "stop forclosure", etc. anything will be a great help. thanks, Ryan


  • arborlis4th July, 2004

    I am using 18"+24" yellow signs that say

    We Buy Houses
    Cash in 24 Hrs

  • lukabrasi4th July, 2004

    how well have they been working?[ Edited by lukabrasi on Date 07/04/2004 ]

  • arborlis4th July, 2004

    I began placing my signs Friday night. I received two calls Saturday, and one call today.

  • Lufos4th July, 2004

    Bandit Signs. They work, but only as well as the responder on the telephone. Most of the calls are very edgy and you have to establish a raport and fast. Humor helps but be careful it is easy to offend especialy if you are dealing with a minority of which you have little knowledge. Most of all your answers should no non threatening and very very motivational. You have to listen very carefuly and tune in on what you hear. This is a talent you can learn it to a certain level but you have to have that strange and lovable thing that makes you like people and want to solve their problems.

    Years ago shortly after we built the Ark and paired off all those animals. I used signs to sell real estate.. Seems I had bought some raw land and did a subdivide way out in the hinterland. Real Cheapies. Move in for $100. But our only contact with the world was a nearby major street. So I devised a mass of signs and guess what I used as my inspiration? Right on you old timers. The best that were ever done. BURMA SHAVE. Utilizing their format I made signs which were little rhymes and I planted them in line to produce the jingel.

    We sold out the tract which was not much. After all $100 down and a combination FHA and GI for the balance.

    But for an ex orange grove buried in the middle of zilch it was an achiement. Of course I handled the police small gifts. I did not give doughnuts. You must remember we put up direction signs. Big funny arrows with little house hats on them. People thought and rightfuly so that we were crazy.

    The last four houses we sold in a bar that night. One of those Redneck special places where the music has lots of wheezes and people play the acordian and drink doubles with beer chashers. We raffled the last four houses. We put up the $100 downpayment. Oh god I wish I had those houses now! Oh god I wish I had not broken a rib that night when this "Good Old Boy" slapped me on the back cause he dun wun a huse.

    But that was probably my first utilization of outlaw signs. Be original, use humor the international glue of relaltionships.

    Hope this helps. Got to use History it tells us alot.

    Cheers Lucius 8-) 8-)

  • JohnLocke4th July, 2004


    When the main man said "Let there be light" and you threw the switch, did it happen to say:

    "Lucius has plenty of freshly made land buy now while the prices are low "

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Lufos4th July, 2004

    Dear John of Locke, by the way how is the monster?

    Actualy what was said was, "Buy now while the world is still flat!"

    My best to all, happy 4th. Lucius

  • JohnLocke4th July, 2004


    Rockets Red Glare and Bombs Bursting In Air as always.

    Tell me was it really Lucius Foster aka/ John Hancock on the first 4th?

    Have another excellent independence day for the 200th and some time.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • crf3boys4th July, 2004

    Our signs say:
    Phone Number
    Web Address

    We get a fair number of calls with a wide variety of properties and motivations of owners, when we put the signs out.

    Good luck!

  • jumperdk15th July, 2004

    dont you guys think that "we buy forclosures" signs would be best because it would narrow down the people you were looking for, and that way you wouldnt just have some random people thinking you will buy their house for cash when they are selling it for FMV?

  • jeff120025th July, 2004

    In my opinion, "We Buy Houses" wins hands down. You are right, you will get some calls from those wanting to sell for full market value. That's why you pre-screen your callers before you set an appointment to see the property. Are you saying that you only want calls from those in foreclosure? Not from someone that sees an opportunity to get out from under the mortgage BEFORE it becomes a problem for them?
    The sweet ones are the ones that you can get before they have months worth of arrears, and penalties that you have to take care of with up-front money. U-haul money is a much nicer number.

  • remarble5th July, 2004

    Lufos...you are distinctly unique...I'm hurting LOL

  • jumperdk15th July, 2004

    thanks jeff. sounds great

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