What's A Woman To Do? Safety Is An Issue.

A lot of investors talk about approaching the owners of distressed properties directly. What if you're a petite woman and these properties are in questionable neighborhoods? Also, scumbags are not limited to just the bad parts of town. Once an unprofessional police officer pulled me over in a dark area of Culver City (not a bad area of LA) and harassed me for my phone number. BTW, the officer's conduct was investigated and his supervisor made him see a psychologist -- not sure what that will do him.

I live in LA, CA and am a little hesitant about going into stranger's homes to make offers. I'm not trying to be a chicken *?#$* but I've had my share of unsavory conduct by men. Any advice for approaching male owners in their homes? I've got the pepperspray to whip out in case of emergency. What's next? A big dog? A male front?

<IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_confused.gif">

[ Edited by HouseHuntersUSA on Date 12/26/2003 ][ Edited by HouseHuntersUSA on Date 12/26/2003 ]


  • HouseHuntersUSA27th December, 2003

    LOL. I like the SUV idea. If the gas mileage wasn't so terrible, I could buy a Hummer then iIf the owner wasn't cool, I could always flatten their house.

    I'm tracking the better areas too. Going to try to make some offers for some REOs although the banks don't make too many bargains in these areas. Then again, if I have my Hummer, maybe I could threaten a few banks while I'm at it. What is with the bofa web address? Do you work for a bank?[ Edited by HouseHuntersUSA on Date 12/27/2003 ]

  • HouseHuntersUSA27th December, 2003

    Love that your concerned. Look out for those speeding cops in MDR.

  • InActive_Account27th December, 2003

    If approaching the seller in their property is a concern, then picking up the rent could be a bigger concern. They know you have money then...

    Yuo could cosider taking along any other companion if you just have to go to the property. (In your case a male might not be a bad idea.

  • Samw27th December, 2003


    You plan to approach the sellers of distressed property just by knocking on the doors without prior calling?

    if thats going to be the case,drive by the house and dont stop your car and go inside directly...park your car nearby the house and observe the house a bit...a guy with family and kids would have some tell tale tales which might be evident from the outside or you would probably see kids playing or the like

    if the house marks no human activity and the door is closed and you are in a bad neighbourhood now what?
    1.the property in question is of such a good value that you want to take a chance and see the distressed owner
    2. the property does not require much of a risk(risk of being harassed!!!)

    if its 1...and going by the above mentioned scenario...knock on the door and stand outside and talk....tell that your partner is waiting outside in the car and that you are trying to help distressed sellers and the usual.....
    once you talk a while Iam sure you would be able to have a gut feel for the person you are talking to... then you can decide if you want to step in and take a look inside the house
    but the best way probably would be
    You could probably call in first and strike an emotional chord with them and while you are at it check if the guy has a family and kids..(hard for a guy with wife and kids in vicinity to harass you!!)
    or if its a single guy you are talking to probably you could tell him that you will be going with a partner to check on his house...
    and do as I mentioned abovesmile

    Iam assuming here that guys trting to harass you...lol....but no comments on Single girls hitting on a petitie girl....LOL

  • HouseHuntersUSA27th December, 2003

    LOL. Can't say I have as many problems with single girls hitting on me. Maybe I'm just not their type. LOL.

    I have tried calling first on the NOD... however, I've noticed several postings on this site where people are just walking up to the door. Seems like harrassment to me, but maybe if I disquise myself as a Girl Scout I'll get a better response... or maybe the one I'm trying to avoid.

    I like the idea of scoping the owners out and bringing along a friend. I hate to drag along someone one business, but maybe I'll give them a cut or something. It might be a good excuse for me to get that dog I've always wanted. Back Cujo back.

  • Samw27th December, 2003

    Well,once you have enough money..hire a bodyguard a La Whitney Houston from the movie The BodyGuard

    And if the pay is good enough,yours truly can do the job...LOL....standing tall at 6'5"

    Good Luck with your deals

  • InActive_Account27th December, 2003

    In many cases, the owner has discontinued answering the phone due to bill collectors and if you go looking to business like, they may mistaken you for a collector. However, having someone with you and first doing a drive by may give you the impression you don't want the property or it's worth the effort to atleast look.

    The police Dept. normally has a list of the frequent crime areas. They can provide you that list then it your choice.

  • WheelerDealer27th December, 2003

    Simple: Dont go alone

    surely there are people in need of a part time job that dont cost much and can be great company Dont go alone

    B.G. & Wheeler D. LLc Inc.

    (A division of: Half Vast Enterprises)[ Edited by WheelerDealer on Date 12/27/2003 ]

  • InActive_Account27th December, 2003


    I think that's the best advice all night.....

  • WheelerDealer27th December, 2003

    Thank you!

  • jackman27th December, 2003

    so obviously you're not the type of women who play up to this in swaying the owner. i kno plenty of women who will use what they have been blessed with along with some under-the-radar flirtation to catch a weary-eyed owner. this is cool but not safe. i say don't go or hire someone big and dumb to follow you.

    you could also ask the owner to meet you for lunch or dinner and talk there.

    could you send me a picture of yourself? hahahaha, JUSS KIDDIN!

  • cky27th December, 2003

    Once you get going in this biz, you need ALOT of help!!

    If you don't have a male family member, friend or otherwise that will help and accompany you, HIRE somebody for MIN wage under the table full time!!

    This employee can also assist in courthouse research, driving properties, fix up (even just cosmetic, i.e. paint, cleanup) of homes you buy, etc..

    Don't go alone if your concerned and afraid!

    And you understand one major point, DEALS ARE MADE IN PERSON WITH SELLERS/OWNERS!!! And you almost never have nor can get an sellers phone (they are rarely listed in phonebook) for vacant homes, nods, etc.

    P.S. I'm from www.So.Ca (San Diego, North county) so I can understand your concerns.


  • Wingnut27th December, 2003


    I agree with Wheeler Dealer, DON'T GO ALONE. I stand at 6 foot 3 inches and weigh 240 pounds.. And sometimes I am concerned on going alone. No amount of money is worth my life.

  • rchapa27th December, 2003

    Usually most of these destressed properties will need some work. take along your contracter to get an estimate on repairs, and also serve as your bodyguard. then you can bat an eye
    or give a wink or two.

  • norrist27th December, 2003

    I think rchapa has the best suggestion. Maybe a good opportunity to partner up with someone, especially someone BIG![ Edited by norrist on Date 12/27/2003 ]

  • DerrickAli27th December, 2003


    Longtime no hear or email!

    From the post I see the Investing going a little to the DOGS out there huh?

    The first answer to your Q. about going into unsavory areas is to:


    I suggestt You try POSITIONING Your REI Biz into a little bit more CLASSIER HOODS!!! Remember my TCI Article:

    "How to Get A FREE Luxury Home Every Month???"


    HHUSA, Use Your seasoned REI know how along with 'Your Womanly Wiles' PLUS those Free Marketing Tips I've sent you (+ the ones here too.)

    And I am CERTAIN you can come away with a luxury property (or TWO) each month having more equity and/or upfront cash in your pocket than you could ever make losing A PIECE of YOUR A$$ETs on 5 to 10 LeBrea Blvd. homes !!!

    If you need to freshen your Mktg memory send me a PM or Email for more FREE REI Mktg Tips!

    Happy Investing!


  • LSDH27th December, 2003

    I have this same problem, I'm a birddog for a local investor in DC. I get really good responses from my mailing list so I use that approach.
    I get scared even if the house is in a "good" area, nice area but all have the same problem. No telling what type of mood these people are in.

  • WheelerDealer27th December, 2003

    Damn wingnut,

    im 6' 3" and only 185lbs. You must be HUGE!!! Lets find one more, team up and we could get them to give us there houses for free!

  • HouseHuntersUSA2nd January, 2004

    Thank you all for your wonderful advice. Time to get a bodyguard and possibly an assistant to help out with my other real estate needs. Thanks again!!!

  • Lufos2nd January, 2004

    In Playa Del Ray? You must be kidding, you are more in danger of Sunstroke then irate householders.

    Besides in that area the Door Knock is not the answer it is not effective. Perhaps it is the layed off attitude of the inhabitants. Or the nearness of LAX

    The most effective is the note that merely states. I came by to evaluate the property for the new loan. Call me back interest rates are starting to climb.

    You just jump out of the car, please not a Hummer, people will talk. Just drop the note in the door jam and leave. Be sure your telephone is rigged for proper answer.

    Of course you could attach a mustache, approach on a skateboard with the funny baggy pants, hair tied back in a pony tail. You will fit right in.

    Keep your clothing plain,hit the note between sportif and casual business. The area is a bit special and Derrick the Ali while well qualified to foot in door does not have the local/local experience.

    You might play footsy with some of your local residential brokers, pass them the notification of foreclosure and see if they have had any contact. You would be suprised, it is not an area where most folk get paralized and do nothing. They may explore a listing or exchange of properties. Which incidently is a great specialty for those of your clients who have just started into foreclosure. Exchange out. Creates two winners for the price of one. Pershing Drive do you know it. We exchanged out of foreclosure and our client still stayed in the area in his new dwelling.

    Come on now, you are a woman, we have let you vote, yes even allowed you to drive. So assert your abilities solve this so local problem. Remember, you are special.


  • Jimbezy2nd January, 2004

    Did U ever think about getting a gun? I mean I plan on geting one shortly for protection when I go into cetain neiborhods around town and Im 6'7.

  • JohnMerchant2nd January, 2004

    I recall Barney Zick, who's a BIG guy, saying he takes a gun in some deals, where he wants to be as well armed as the residents, neighbors, etc.

    This is a big problem, nationwide, and our state RE Commission has warned female REA's to not go alone to such, never give their home numbers or addresses, etc....as some REA's (guys too!) have been been robbed, assaulted and killed when showing a house to an alleged prospect.

  • Lufos3rd January, 2004

    Please, we are far down the list of targets our reputation precedes us. Nobody thinks we are packing cash. So right they are.

    I do not suggest a weapon, most of us friendly Americans have a problem in shooting anyone. The biggest problem we have in the service is getting our well mannered troops to start shooting. As for Real Estate practicioners armed? really . Come on now Negotiate. You will do a lot better.

    Example: The Seven Eleven is just now getting set for a hit. The Doorman is looking out and the Force has moved in. At the Counter trying to negotiate for a Can of Coke is your elderly Real Estater. The Force pulls out the weapon and aims it over the counter and starts his Chime. "Ok blank blank and blank, give me all da money or blank blank." The elderly Real Estate looks up and says "Oh my god man, you know what you got in your hand? thats a Colt 45 1911 Issue with the cut sights and paved handle. Man thats worth $10,000, now what the hell you doing doing the Chim on a 7/11. Hell I'll give you $20,000 for that right now. Come on give me the gun. Thanks, see this little mark on the side, and look at the trigger. Man this is jelly and incidently you are dead." The Realtor type has of course been handed the gun, and is pointing it at the one who is the Chimer. Who should be dead in about five seconds. Well maybe twenty seconds. The Realtor person is not in top form somebody topped his clients offer about an hour ago.

    End of Story.

    God has endowed you all with the presance. His divine hand or reasonable faxsimile has been laid upon you. You got the Moxie and you got the voice. Negotiate thats your strong suit. Play it man.

    I kept the gun, and the brass knuckles, and the handmade Sap, and the slap board. I spent the roll of dimes.

    If you are really worried about walking the streets of a depressed, high crime area, why just wear the funny white collar and a black suit. Nobody shoots a priest , well maybe a Baptist, but there not too many out here.

    I do hope you get my point. Lucius

  • Olga5th January, 2004

    I always look in Deed of Trust what it says about the owner: single man, woman, married couple. I search on USSearch, it gives age (for free), so I know whom to expect.
    A friend of mine, marin, 26 y.o., 6.3, 195 lb, agreed to accompany me on my trips.
    The plan is for him to wait for me in the car and call me 5 min after I get in.[ Edited by Olga on Date 01/05/2004 ]

  • LadyZena5th January, 2004

    Maybe I am missing something here but if you are afraid to go there won't potential buyers be also ???

  • Ladybug5th January, 2004

    After reading all these posts, I became aware that a lot of places are really scary.
    I don't know what to advise, I have lived over half this world, and been in big cities all my life, except now, which is the first time that I live out in the country and close to a very small town and a city that is growing by the minute, and a big city where there are a lot of murders, Tulsa.

    I have done a whole lot of house calls in Medellin, Colombia, 1977 - 1983, I was an insurance broker and export consultant.
    As an insurance broker I had to visit people at their homes, offices, work places like factories, etc.
    1987-1989 I was in Venezuela, lived through my 2nd revolution and had to visit "scary" places, - no use going into detail -.
    Because I am blond and blue eyed I always atracted attention, overthere I stick out like a sore thumb.

    Anyway, I never, consciously thought about the dangers, although I knew, but was mentally prepared to either fight or flee. I am a trained brown belt karateka, and I am not afraid. I am 5'7 and weigh 135. I have never carried a gun, but do know how to use it.

    If you know that you are not afraid, you exhude this aura of "not being afraid" and then it is less likely to get attacked.
    If you, unwittingly, exhude fright, this somehow triggers "bad" people to attack. It is really a psychological thing.

    On the other hand, it is a wise thing to get a big, strong male to accompany you, that also will make you feel unafraid and protected; and, don't go to areas where there is a lot of crime.
    Now, that doesn't mean that there is none in the nicer and affluent areas, even there you should be on guard.

    As a matter of fact, you should always be on guard, even grocery shopping, or going to a salon, etc. Always look in the display windows, not at the stuff that is displayed, but to see what is behind you; always lock your car, even when filling up with gas, look around you, before you get out of the car, and before you approach your car again and before opening the door. I do this as a matter of habit, and had to think about what all I do to stay safe.

    When I go see a house, I look at the neighborhood - both for the value of the house, etc, as to what kind of neighborhood it is - I observe how many cars in front of the house, or car port, or garage when it is open. When entering the house, look for exits, never let anybody be behind you, keep people in front of you all the time; when leaving, let the people let you out, keep them in front, and if they stay in the door opening when you leave, sort of walk sideways to your car; with some practice this becomes natural and a permanent good habit.
    When showing the house, open the front door and let the prospective buyers in first, then you enter, turn on light, etc. in all the rooms if you didn't go and turn it all on before they get to the house; stay close to the front door, and if possible, keep the front door open, certainly if the prospective buyer is a single man.

    I am sure you can think of more ways to keep yourself protected at all times.

    Good luck and success to you!


    [ Edited by Ladybug on Date 01/05/2004 ][ Edited by Ladybug on Date 01/05/2004 ]

  • WheelerDealer5th January, 2004

    I said it once I'll say it again.


  • bgrossnickle5th January, 2004

    I have a steel pipe that I carry with me any time there are "dogs" in the area. And there are usually large vicious dogs in bad areas. I always say that it is because of a bad dog experience. If there are no for dogs I have my 3 D cell mag light that is actually useful as a flashlight too. Might also take a quick silence call just to say that "yes I am at ______, are you right down the block", or something like that. How about "my husband is a police officer" during polite conversation. And I do like the suggestion to take a trades person with you. I do some rehabs and try to get the painter, handyperson, or carpenter to go with me for the help in inspection and cost estimating.

    I have looked at some houses in very questionable areas and so far - thank goodness - I have never had a scare.


  • bgrossnickle6th January, 2004

    You got me thinking - how about each time you enter a house you pardon yourself and quickly make a phone call to let your "office" know the address of where you are and to take all messages and that you will call back when you leave the house. Tell your client that it is policy that you call each time you enter and leave a house. You can call your home answer machine.


  • Dreamin13th January, 2004

    Us small petite and attractive ladies must not go alone in such areas that you are decribing HHUSA, I do not suggest that you really go anywhere alone for I had been accosted in an upperclass area in full daylight.
    I generally will take a friend or my partner. I have also taken a large dog.
    Growing up in with several brothers and boasting a weapon as soon as Daddy thought I could hold one, I am not afraid of areas that are questionable but I am smart about it.
    I select the places I need to go and "plan" the trip in one sweep.
    I carry my cell and often actually ask a freind to call a few times while I am there if it is the dog and I or a girlfriend and I.
    I use a code word or words for call me back in 5 or alls good check in 15 etc.....

    I actually learned this trick from a realtor lady friend.

  • lorien13th January, 2004

    As a tall female (5'10" but alot less heft behind me than you 180# plus guys!) i agree with Wheeler...


    I take a friend, a hubby or an inspector . Doesn't matter if it's a shady neighborhood or a luxury one, i don't like going alone for the first time.

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