What Questions To Ask A Land Seller?
Hi Everyone. . .
What questions are good questions to ask a seller of land??
I have a meeting with the owner of a plot of land this Sat, and want to ask him questions about it.
Can you please help me compile a list?
The land is waterfront, and i am looking to build a house.
Thanks a lot!
In no particular order.
Why are you selling
how long have you owned
what is the property zoned
is it buildable
are there any special restriction or set backs (fishing for need special permits to build close to lake)
ultilites avail or propane pig & sewer
What was the previous use (Well, in '68 Acme Chemical was on this site)
Has any pre-development work be done and what were the results (geo, soils, plans, zoning, planning, wells, etc.)
An then you'll need to do a ton of check w/ the city, state, or county
Actually, I wouldn't ask a land seller many questions beyond what's the price and what are the terms. If VA requires sellers to provide written property disclosure statements, then ask the seller for one. Just about everything you need to know about the lot (eg, zoning, buildability, prior contamination, floodplain, building permit requirements, utilities) you ought to have researched and/or covered in the up-front due diligence contingency period.
Thanks so much guys,
I meet with the seller tomorrow, and will be sure to bring up these points!!
Thanks again!