What Paint Will Cover My Fence?

I have extended a wooden fence round my garden using timber from my
neighbours garden (he had a brick wall built) The problem is that he had his
wooden fence painted black and my fence is brown. I have asked several
people what sort of cheap paint I can use to turn the fence from black to brown
but no one knows what paint would be suitable for this conversion. I used a
power wash to clean the fence before painting it and have exposed several
different colours of paint, some parts of the fence are painted in white
gloss. Can anyone tell me what I can use as a base paint and a finishing
brown paint? I am a pensioner and can't afford to spend a lot of money.

I will have to paint the whole fence again; the fence is about 150 feet long and 6 feet high with no space in-between the planks. How can I work out how much paint I will need to paint both sides? It doesn't matter about getting a perfect match. I would like to find some old stock of paint and mix them together, any idea what makes a nice Autumn Brown colour? I live in Glasgow, Scotland; does anyone know a store here that would stock discounted paint? Thanks again to all that replies.


  • InActive_Account10th November, 2004

    I would say 3 gallons would cover both sides. You're out of luck doing it on the cheap, unless you run into 3 gallons of the exact color you want somewhere that is giving it away. Having very specific wants usually doesn't work out to being able to do it on the cheap, flexibility is usually the main ingredient you need in order to save money.

  • John_Carter10th November, 2004

    At our local trash transfer station (aka the dump) there is a large metal storage container filled with throw-away paint. Some are quite full, others not, and all colors are represented. The attendant will open shed upon request and the paint is free for the taking.

    Anyway, if you really want to go cheap you need to find out where people in Glasgow take their paint to get rid of it.

  • kenmax10th November, 2004

    i painted a fence black after the fact my boss {wife} wanted it red so i painted red both were just an exterior paint. the red went over the black no problem. its been a year. and no problems....km

  • InActive_Account10th November, 2004

    You can also purchase a 5 gallon bucket of paint at your local paint store. They usually screw up a lot of color matches and can't do anything with those. Ask to see those and hopefully you find a good color you like. Make sure it's exterior grade paint or it won't stick for long. If you want you could strip the paint off with a paint stripper at your local hardware store but, be ware of the chemicals oozing into your soil. Your plants and concrete could take a diffrent look after a while.

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