What Is Your Worst Tenant Story?

The only reason I ask this is because I have had some recent problems w/my tenants. They haven't paid their rent in full and are late. They need like 2 extra weeks to come up w/the rent. Its a headache! Hearing stories from others always puts things into perspective. And hearing the worst of the worst with a humoristic spin on it kind of helps you laugh at life and not worry about things so much.


  • myfrogger10th January, 2005

    A recent tenant of mine called me and it took 20 minutes on the phone to explain to her how to lock the door. She didn't comprehend that this particular lock had to be locked from the inside and then you shut the door on the way out. She thought that all locks in the world were locked with a key from the outside once the door is shut! What an idiotic tenant...lol.

    Anyway...worst is probably tenants skipping town. I haven't really had any major problems but I thought that I would chime in with a stupid tenant story!

  • commercialking10th January, 2005

    Well its not exactly my worst tenant story as it happened to a close friend of mine but it is the worst tenant story I ever heard.

    My buddy was managing an apartment building for a local institution which had bought it many years before intending to someday knock it down and build an expansion of their facility. During the period of my friends management the institution decided the time had come to make this move. My friend was instructed to give tenants notice, not renew any leases and begin to make moves to vacate the building over the next year.

    Now my friend managed many other properties in the area and got permission from the institution to cherry-pick the departing tenants and place them in his other properties. Very nice little old lady who had lived in the building for many years agrees to rent an apartment in a nearby property owned by my friend.

    Only problem is that the little old lady doesn't move in. Her nephew the drug dealer does. Suddenly my friends nice quite apartment building is grand central station-- loud drug deals all hours day and night in the hallways. Other tenants complain my friend files eviction papers explains to all the tenants whats up and that it will take some time to complete the proceedings.

    The other tenants in the building organize to show up at the eviction hearings to complain about the drug dealer and plead with the judge to process the eviction as quickly as possible. The dealer (or his henchmen) then kill the leader of the tenant group and dump the bloody body in the lobby of the building.

    Needless to say the other tenants moved out of the building in droves. Within 30 days the building was over half vacant something like 30 days after that the sheriff finally evicted the nephew/drug dealer.

    Took a long time to re-rent that building.

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