What Is Your Best Chosen Online Marketing Strategy?

For sure you have lots of idea regards to online marketing strategy there are lots of them so tell me yours <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">

[ Edited by joel on Date 06/27/2012 ]


  • HelenS6th March, 2012

    I run ads on craigslist and get a lot of calls from wholesalers and bird dogs. Have gotten a couple from homeowners but most are upside down and need to get too much money

  • twincitiesmgr27th June, 2012

    Social media and local listings websites are very effective for me.

  • joemacam6th March, 2012

    Not heard about that domains here, maybe you can go for a little research on their background so you could determine if it has potential or not.

    [ Edited by joel on Date 06/27/2012 ]

  • gerrigale13th August, 2012

    I think your best bet is to learn basic html code and create your own flyers. Honestly, I think these flyer companies are a waste of money. In regards to search engine submission , not sure what you mean? Are you trying to create a 1 page website for an individual property and wanting it to rank on the search engines? Or are you talking about your own business website and trying to submit to search engines to rank? What exactly are you trying to do?

  • montaa13th August, 2012

    I have no direct experience with the companies you listed. The theory looks sound with both sites. Essentially they allow you to do a minimal amount of work and still get your various listings into the hands of the real estate world.

    Neither looks remarkable better than the other. The best way to determine if the SEO is working is to check if your site can be found "slightly indirectly." If you are selling a multi-family at 123 Park St in Troy, NY, any search engine on the web should find your list if you search "123 Park St Troy NY." The real key is if your property comes up on searches like "NY capital area multis" or "buy student housing RPI."

    As a test to the usefulness of the created site, google Web Pages that Suck and see if anything looks out of the ordinary.

    Aaron Montague
    Investing in the Boston Market
    Looking for Investments and Investors[ Edited by montaa on Date 08/13/2012 ]

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