What Is On Your Vehicle???

For those of you who have advertising on your vehicle, please share with us some specific things you have on there besides the basics ( phone #, website, etc.?)
aka: HouseBuyerGuy[ Edited by Optimum on Date 12/18/2003 ]


  • bryanb10th November, 2003

    Pretty Basic "We Buy Houses" in house shaped magnetic.

  • Optimum10th November, 2003

    Anyone else?

  • InActive_Account10th November, 2003

    your a moving object or the other person is, the object is to keep it short - eye catching and ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's*** BUY HOUSES 555-1212

  • diego7913th November, 2003

    We Buy Houses
    Any Condition
    that's on the side

    and the back magnetic sign
    We Buy Houses
    We Take Over Payments

  • SavvyYoungster13th November, 2003

    Dirt mostly

    When you advertize on your car you get to write off a portion of your car as a business expense, no?

  • 3qu1ty15th November, 2003

    Actually if you get a Wi-Fi connection on your laptop your car could BE your office.

  • JamesStreet15th November, 2003

    So where do you get these signs? Online? cost?

  • jackman22nd November, 2003

    christian, u r a wild dude! but i hear u. u managed to make ur car a moving billboard withOUT it looking cheezy. pretty darn good job - EXCEPT (i have to be a stickler about stuff like this), you misspelled foreclosure ... u left out the 'e'. hahahahaha. hell, not that it matters tho.

  • mochsner22nd November, 2003

    I've gone the simple route....with a twist. I have :

    I Buy Houses . com

    On the back of my Audi....but with a twist. My Audi is silver, so I put black lettering on it with smaller reflective yellow lettering on top of the black lettering....so it looks like the yellow writing is outlined in black. It shows up MUCH better during the day and the reflective lettering is as bright as police lettering at night. The proof of the pudding, of course, is whether or not it buys houses....and the answer is YES! I can DIRECTLY attribute 2 purchases to it this year.

  • OCSupertones22nd November, 2003


    Tell me about your "Win this car for free" advertising...its different enough that i would call just to find out more.


  • Nievana1418th December, 2003

    Just bought two magnetic signs...
    4 HOUSES
    Ph #
    (Yes, I am a bird dog)
    Black lettering on a Bright Yellow Background
    only cost me $60 bucks from a local sign maker
    We'll see what kind of response i get

  • Lufos18th December, 2003

    Nievana, you done crossed the line. Some smarty is going to ask you for your liecense as you are offering real estate.
    Make a small change. Come on you know how. Missspell, that does it.

    I drive a 1981 VW pickup truck Diesel, it gets 54 MPG and has gone over one Million miles. Of course it is pristine. a lovely gray with black underings and a red accent stripe. Special wheels and it is pretty. Everybody ohs and ahs, mostly elderly women, they identify it with their past some of them I have dated. Prior to the flood of course.

    On the back of the tail gate is a sign, a light gray background with heavy black lettering. and it says. BIO-Diesel.

    Now you would think everybody would stop and ask. My god growing your fuel instead of having to dig for it? Now that is really something. Do you know how many people have asked me about it?
    One. Just one and he is a fuel engineer.

    I have had more luck putting a sign in the mens lavatory. "For a good time call Jill" Jill was selling real estate in Hollywood. She got a lot of calls but most of the callers were distracted. So we added to the sign. "Dont call Jill she is busy selling really cheap Real Estate"
    Now she gets calls, Some even about business. Go Figure.

    The best (come on) sign I ever did was an experiment in human behavoir.

    Sign on front of house House for sale by Owner, Call Eva. 888 123-5656

    Then we crossed out the name Eva and the telephone number and added.

    Still for sale CHEAP. Call Mortgage Assoc. ask for Mr. Simon Legree.
    888 123-5656.

    Oh my god the calls poured in. By really clever twisting (a means of motivation which bends the caller to your will and direction) we sold the house to a Real Tor. Who should have had it to begin with from the REO.

    Another sign that worked.

    This house is in foreclosure, the bank does not want it. Will somebody please buy it? the Bank Examiner. (aka Lucius Foster) 888 123-6869

    What you are after is a response. The rest is up to you.

    When I was a child I had a Model T Ford touring car. No roof. I painted it white and then wrote many little sayings all over it. On the back was Dont Laugh Lady Your Daughter May Be Here. Now that was a big hit in Beverly www.HIlls.The PTA wrote a letter to my mother, I think they suggested Castration but would settle for Decapitation.

    It Pays To Advertise Lucius

  • rchapa2nd January, 2004

    Having mine done now. I drive a Chrysler Town and Country van. Nice big windows for advertising. You want tacky. Iam going all out, spare no expense, three sides/with my picture on it. Grahpic design and say:

    First Quality Investments
    "cash for your real estate"
    Do you need to sell your house quickly:
    -Foreclosure - Repair Problems
    -Transferred - Lien/Judgements
    -Divorce -Vacant
    Any price, any cond. We take care of all the paperwork.

    Call -xxxxxxxxx

    This is with the picture of a house as the
    backround. my windows are probably about 4ft long. My own personal moving billboard.. $$$$$

  • fmmp2nd January, 2004

    Does anyone have pics? If so pm me, I will give you my email address and I can put online for everyone to see and get a mental picture.

    Didn't realize this thread started in Nov.
    [ Edited by fmmp on Date 01/02/2004 ]

  • nlsecor2nd January, 2004

    18" rims.

  • rchapa2nd January, 2004

    ju got it man!!

  • wumagic4th January, 2004


    Any luck with getting pictures of how people have their advertising setup on their autos???

    I would be interested in seeing what people have setup..


  • flacorps4th January, 2004

    If Florida had front license plates, I'd get a vanity one that said "RVO VOM"!

  • norrist4th January, 2004

    Check the parking lot at the next REIA meeting or conference...you'll get a ton of ideas...

  • fmmp4th January, 2004

    I have a trio from Brad3 my dns company is having server problems <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_evil.gif">

    The pics are coming.

    Ok they are here now but for some strange reason I can't get them all on one page so they are separate:




    [ Edited by fmmp on Date 01/04/2004 ][ Edited by fmmp on Date 01/04/2004 ]

  • fmmp4th January, 2004

    Bumped to the top in an attempt to get pics noticed.

  • rup4th January, 2004

    Wow, Nice job on the explorer. That looks great!

    Are those stickons or custom paint?

    What did it cost you?

  • rup4th January, 2004

    On 2003-11-15 22:48, JamesStreet wrote:
    So where do you get these signs? Online? cost?

    I get mine at www.banditsigns.com
    They start at $50 for a pair and are pretty good quality..

  • timerwin9th January, 2004

    I have seen a number of vehicles in the parking lot at our investment club with the "I Buy Houses" and a phone number. I think this is pretty effective and simple. Does anyone know the tax advantage of having the signs on your vehicle as opposed to tracking the business and personal mileage?

  • SolutionsKid9th January, 2004

    I thought I posted these before, but for some reason can't find them in this post. Remember, the key is that you really only have 5 secs to catch attention and deliver a message. You need to attract the reader then deliver an action...

    Message then action...

    Sell Your Home Now...Call 555-5555

    Don't confuse them with anything else. Make it look professional and like you know what you are doing...it's that simple.

    Here are the pics of my advertising...I have changed the message since then, it was an experiment at first...but now it's a mainstay.








    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe
    It took me 27 years to realize that every time I was picked on, called names, tormented, and lauged at, it was all because I was one-of-kind and unique. Through all my torment, I never noticed that no one ever picked on the "normal" kids...no one.

    [ Edited by SolutionsKid on Date 01/09/2004 ][ Edited by SolutionsKid on Date 01/15/2004 ]

  • rup9th January, 2004

    Hmmm, So how do we enter to win the car???

  • plumzany9th January, 2004

    Enquiring minds want to know!! Raffle, drawing, pin the tail on the ..........!

  • Brad0326th January, 2004

    I want to thank FMMP for putting the pics of my Explorer up.

    To answer the question someone asked in an earlier reply to this thread, the lettering on the Explorer is made of Vinyl. I had a local truck lettering company (the kind that does police cars) design and letter my Explorer and it only cost $500.

    I think they did an outstanding job and they only had it for 2 days.

    I have only had about 5 calls from it since I had it done in November, but at least it gets my name out. Plus, I think it says a lot to a potential seller when you pull up to buy their house in a new vehicle with lettering all over it----it shows commitment and that you aren't just some "seminar graduate" or that you watch too much late night TV.

  • nebulousd26th January, 2004

    The only thing I have to add about the car signs is that, I would think twice about showing up to someone’s house with lettering all over your car. The sellers do want some type of privacy and as soon as you leave the house the neighbors will be knocking on the door asking them whats going on. I did pull up to a sellers house with my magnetic car signs on. I bought the house and had to return to the sellers house to pick up some things and they asked me to remove the car signs before I came over. My assumption was that people were being nosy and came a knocking.

    I'm all for advertising on the car, it's just that if you do something that's somewhat permanent, you have another vehicle to drive to buy the house.

    The other good thing about having somewhat permanent advertising on your car is that it’s probably less likely to get stolen.

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