What Is Experian's Credit Plus Score?

i paid for my report and credit score. apparently my credit plus score with experian is 725.
however when my mortgage broker pulled it, it came up as
631. it dropped over 90 points in 6 weeks.

what is this useless credit plus score???????


  • kensinvest10th April, 2004

    To my knowledge the credit report is given to you without a score when you pay extra you get a report plus a score so it is not a credit plus score. It is really a credit report including a score. If you do not pay extra you will only get a credit report.

    As far as your score dropping it can drop 90 points and more over a 30 day period.

  • just_for_giggles17th April, 2004

    What Is Experian's Credit Plus Score?

    It is a funky mix of sorcery, illusion, a little math and some LSD thrown in. They wanted to come up with a model of their own to compete with Fair Isaac (FICO) and market it to the consumer. It is hogwash number. When I pull credit for people, I look at EQ and TU because EX is getting to be a joke.

  • TomStewart17th April, 2004

    I have a question for Just for giggles. WHy would EQ not show something like a repo while EX and TU do?

  • commissiononly17th April, 2004

    were you 30 days late on anything? did you open any new accounts? did you apply for credit in several places within a short period of time did you max out your credit cards?, these above possiilities will lower ones score quickly.
    however virtually all mortgage lenders use the middle of three or the lower of two scores, more times than i care to remember I've pulled clients credit with one score in the mid to low 500's and the remaing two in the mid to upper 600's and got them a great loan, ask your mort. guy/gal to pull a tri merged that will give you a better idea of where you stand

  • flacorps19th April, 2004

    On 2004-04-17 16:17, TomStewart wrote:
    I have a question for Just for giggles. WHy would EQ not show something like a repo while EX and TU do?
    All three are mutual competitors. Why can you find better fries at McDonald's than at Wendy's or BK? EQ is simply missing it in this case. They may pick it up later. Or they may have a more demanding standard of accuracy than the other two, so they're not listing it.

    As for non-FICO scores, they're called FAKO scores, and they can be +/- 100, despite the fact they try to closely track FICO.

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