What Is Due Dilligence??

Can someone explain to me Due Dilligence and what it is? Also, can you explain to me how some of you perform your Due Dilligence? Thanks again smile


  • NancyChadwick8th January, 2004

    Simply put, due diligence is investigation. How you do it depends on what you want to find out. I and some others have written articles on this subject.

  • sharpREI_PA8th January, 2004

    Thanks Nancy...I be sure to check them out.

  • flacorps8th January, 2004

    Due diligence is what a buyer does in between signing a contract with appropriate provisions to deal with any problems that might come up in the deal, and the closing of that deal.

    Title searches, termite inspections, checking to make sure the HOA assessments are paid up, checking with the zoning department, and dozens of other things all come under the heading of "due diligence".

    Once you have checked everything that could be a problem except perhaps the orbits of rocks that cross the Earth's orbit, due diligence is complete and you can close.

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