What Is Bird Dogging?

Hello, I'm new to the site as well as being a new Investor. Changing careers and just getting started in this type of investing. I would like to work with someone in my area to "get my feet wet" so to speak. What is bird dogging? And how would I go about finding someone to work with, and in what capacity could I expect being new to this?
Thank you very much wink


  • ojedra11th May, 2004

    I am new as well, and learning fast. Do a search on " bird dog", and you will get more infomation than you can handle. In short it is someone who finds properties for investors. You will find it all here.

  • mdrei12th May, 2004

    Thank you so much for the direction. There is so much info...it's a great to have people guiding you.

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