What Is A Quiet Title

A quiet title is an action in which you switch hats from being a defendant to becoming a plaintiff. You simply ask the court to eliminate clouds on your title. The chain of title has been broken and you cannot sell your home and provide clear title.

It is similar to buying a truck from someone. You not only want the truck but the lien free title with it. If, the truck has a lien, you want it removed.

At the county registry of deeds or county clerks office you can find out who has a recorded interest in your title. You then sue those recorded interests and they MUST prove they do in fact own your note and mortgage.

This eliminates a lot of litigation because when you were first late on your mortgage you spent many agonizing hours trying to get to talk to someone who can make a decision. A quiet title action will flush out the true holder in due course. In some instances the quiet title action has provided some cases where the consumer was awarded clear title to the property because no one claimed an interest.

I also got an approval from the State of Nevada for my quiet title workshop for continuing education. We are working with Lou Brown from Atlanta in getting this very important information out to investors.

Regis Sauger

[ Edited by regisp71 on Date 08/30/2011 ]


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