What Is A Good Return For 4 Units?
I am a beginner in investing. Anybody know what is the rule of thumb when buying a 4 units. I usually ignore the statistics and used 3 units as rule of thumb, and used the three units minus expense as my rule. Any mathematician out there.
Im no pro, but a lot of MF owners say you want at least 800 / month postive affter every thing is done and paid. But there is a lot of calculators and formulas out there to figure it all out.
Good Luck,
I'm not the most experienced but, have you thought about good income present & good income future?
It depends on the area/location many times, as far as what return you can expect. I like to have properties at a 10% cap rate.
Here'r a link the Proforma-nator, a great little tool this website hosts: