What if...You Became Wealthy!

When I was started buying rental properties, one phrase I would hear a lot was "What if". Here are some examples:

What if the tenants don't pay?

What if the market goes down?

What if you can't find tenants?

What if you have a lot of repairs?

What if a tenant leaves and trashes the place?

And on, and on, and on...

The people that asked me those types of questions were not really asking me what if, they were asking me to validate their own way of thinking in that buying rental properties was risky and to be avoided. I could have turned it around on those same people that worked their corporate jobs by asking:

What if the economy goes down and you are laid off or "downsized"?

What if the corporation has been fudging the books and goes bankrupt?

What if your job is outsourced to India or China?

What if you are injured and can no longer work?

What if you plan your retirement around your 401k just to find out that the money is no longer there when you retire?

You can play the "What if" game all you want, why not think positively!

What if I invest in rental properties that cashflow to cover some of my monthly income and that helps me save more money?

What if I put everything I have into real estate and time my moves right and make a ton of money?

What if I control what I do, when I do it and how I do it by working for myself and become ridiculously wealthy?

You cannot control your environment. You cannot know exactly when the market is going to stay hot or go down. But, you can control how you adapt. If you have faith in the one constant in your life, yourself, you will do just fine!


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