What If Short Sale Package Doesn't Ask For Net Sheet Or HUD-1?

I just received the short sale package listing from Greenpoint financial, and they don't list a HUD-1 or Net Sheet as an item they need sent in. Is this strange? I had learned that a net sheet will always be required.

Any advice or thoughts on this?



  • dlynn8th December, 2003

    Lenders all have their minimums on the paperwork. It doesn't hurt a thing to send one anyway. Show them you are a professional.
    I run into a lot of lenders that say they only want a purchase and sales agreement. I send them an entire package. What can it hurt.
    Just my thoughts. Best of luck.

  • learning8th December, 2003

    Without the HUD-1 or purchase/sales agreement showing the seller receiving no money your attempt at a short sale is dead in the water. Send it good luck! Question I have read and studied on this a lot what can you tell me about your approach to finding the sellers or having them find you!!

  • martin1g8th December, 2003

    Thanks very much to each of you for your helpful comments.

    I found this seller by a direct mail campaign to pre-foreclosures (here in Wash State, only Notices of Trustee sales gets recorded, so when that list comes out, I've been marketing to them).


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