What Happened To The Guru Forums?

Didn't there used to be a forum for Legarnd and Sheets? I have a question about some Legrand material and apparently can't search for some reason (Rookie leve must be too low?)



  • newcreation2nd August, 2004

    You're right--rookie level is too low. You have to have an all-star subscription level to search the forums. If you click on the "My TCI" section, then on subscribe, you will see a list of all the priviledges for different levels. You'll notice that for forum access, it says just X for the lower levels, but X + search for the higher levels.


  • joel6th August, 2004

    Your correct.

    We got rid of the TV Guru forums. We got rid of them because they really weren't being used and that the subjects aren't really categorized to one person, multiple people use the same technique.

  • MaksimUSA6th August, 2004

    I have not heard anything but BAD BAD feedback on Carlton Sheets. BUT... I've heard VERY positive feedback on Ron LeGrand... why not keep that one?

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