What Do You Use In Texas?
Good evening. I have John Locke's course and believe I am ready to begin subject to. Can anyone tell me or point me in the right direction of what forms are best used for Tx? Mr. Locke said a lease option or wrap. I do have an attny to review papers etc. but need to know what is best for Tx. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thx, Lisa T
CFDs are done in Texas but are more complicated. Lease-options are one way to go but then you may have landlord headaches and you cant command the kind of down payment you would with a purchase. Wraps are the next best thing to CFDs in TX. I have yet to do a deal since I am still working up my marketing, but I plan on using a wrap to sell. I have some very general wrap forms that I need to have reviewed by a title company and then finalized by an attorney. Ask your attorney for a copy of a general wrap and run it by the title company. They'll help you make it legal and the atty can later tailor it to protect your interests. Hope this helps.