What Do You Say To BPO To Influence Him/her? Please Help! Meeting Them Friday @ 11am

[ Edited by swany33 on Date 03/12/2005 ]


  • swany3312th March, 2005

    Never Mind!! It went great!!

  • InActive_Account19th September, 2005

    I have a meeting with a BPO on a beautiful 5 year old. Owners in bankruptcy. Besides repairs what does one bring up or say to the BPO.[ Edited by ambitious1 on Date 09/19/2005 ]

  • InActive_Account24th September, 2005

    Thanks again SSPro!

  • TheShortSalePro25th September, 2005

    Legal? Probably. But an assignment would likely be in contradiction to mortgagees terms of short sale approval... and closing instructions.

    Most, but not all mortgagees require that the named Seller complete the purchase.

    There are techniques that can circumvent that problem. But generally, I discourage the assignment of a negotiated short sale. They represent a lot of work... and to increase profitabiolity, I suggest that the named Buyer buys, makes value added repairs, then sells retail.

  • InActive_Account30th August, 2005


  • mcarr197323rd September, 2005

    as promissed here it is:


  • JamesStreet23rd September, 2005

    The governemnt provides a free form that you can fill in and an explaination here is the site.


    Hope this helps.....

  • TexasDude25th September, 2005


    I am impressed with your knowledge at such a young age. I am just getting started in RE investing. Can you tell me where you acquired your knowledge (RE Groups, books, classes, etc.)?

    A lot of what you are talking about is Greek to me - HUD-1, preforeclosure, bankruptcies.


  • TexasDude26th September, 2005

    Thanks Ambitious

    That is good to know.

    This is such a great and helpful site!

  • TheShortSalePro28th September, 2005

    That depends entirely upon who owns the mortgage and note, and their criteria... Most "lenders" are really servicers... they service the mortgage loan for the investor (entity) that actually owns the mortgage.

    Many "lenders" service loans for dozens of investors.

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