What Do You Pay A Mentor?

Its hard work just to find one but when you do and they help walk you through your first deal whats the best way to pay them as a thank you? Percentage or just a flat rate?


  • DaveREI22nd October, 2003

    Best way is in cash and pay them according to what you feel it was worth as your thank you... im sure it will be appreciated... nice gesture on your part...

  • SavvyYoungster22nd October, 2003

    Many times you pay in sweat as you will carry the workload in change for the education/experience.

    Knowledge is power. Reward any good mentor as much as you can.

  • dare200322nd October, 2003

    Thanks for the quick responses!

    So there is no SET payment...its a judgement call. And youre right the experience you gain is well worth i!

    Thanks again.

    Anyone else?

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