What Do You Moderators Think?

I think that we need to use this forum for more than just "would someone delete this post."

Joel created this forum for us to actually talk with each other without being bothered by the other users.

One topic that I'd like to open is users to watch out for. My example is tinman1755, or Lori as she signs them.

This lady, by her own additional info, is supposed to be an investor, a mult-state mortgage broker, own a home improvement company, a property management company, and be a single mother to three children. And somehow she has still managed to find the time to post some 200 times in less than a month. WOW!

Seriously, this is definitely one to watch out for bad advice. I've caught several already.

So what about you other moderators? Who or what bothers you, or what else do you think we need to discuss?



  • nebulousd6th February, 2004

    Omega freakin 1....I don't know if you need to delete the number next to his name or make him all mighty investor so he can shut up. and then I don't know what to think with his spelling. I mean, I want to think he is intelligent, but oh my....he doesn't have enough creative sense to spell check his post in Word or something. Man I just had to get that off of my chest.

    and don't get me wrong, I'm not the best speller nor am i a newspaper editor, but ......i know you spell "see" with two "e's"

  • nebulousd6th February, 2004

    And Lori is a single mother with a lot of time on her hands. And just because she holds a license doesn't mean she uses it. obviously she is not as busy as she makes herself out to be.

  • JohnLocke7th February, 2004

    I am pretty sure Lori was in Jail because I caught her board hustling or advertising.

    She will not stop, reminds me of Mrs. Meltzer who was board hustling, then when she got caught it was "Who Me" and she wound up in jail then gone from the site, oh she did try to become a moderator.

    I was personally attacked the other night by JHyre, this is most important in our roles as moderators, the reason that Creo has lost its top posters is because of these type of attacks on posters. I mean why would anyone attack anyone let alone a moderator.

    Roger is right this is a forum that we should discuss who is doing what to whom. I have seen some bad advice coming from posters who claim to be pro's.

    The article by Wendy Patton is garbage in my opinion, you see how the posters are coming back on this one in a negative manner. This lady spammed me twice I asked her to stop after the first one and she did it again.

    I informed her that she spammed the wrong person and some day I will repay her for her attitude. Now she is a Channel Partner here at TCI. So in my respect for Joel I will keep my fingers quite about her, well maybe I will, but I still respect Joel.

    Omega1 has taken a different attitude from when he first started, I know for a fact he is from a foreign country so this may be the reason for the mis-spelled words. But like Lufos, they add color to the board as long as they stay within the policies of the site, I see no problem.

    Anyway my thoughts for the day.


  • NC_Yank7th February, 2004

    This board definitely has some challenging individuas. As some of you know I was a police officer for almost 10 years...........funny how I am still dealing with the same type of people.

    We have those that are arguementative and just plain smartalecks, as is Omega 1 and Dataattack............others that write back...."hey...what about Mr. XXX....he is in violation of the rules in the _____ forum.....why are you picking on me."

    Then we have the experts......such as one that I came across when the author was giving advice to a newbie. He advised the newbie to read his article.

    I read it and what I came away with was that this clown was building his dream house, which obviously was more then he could afford........wrote a hot check, had a lien filed against him, almost lost the house 3 times...........etc. etc.........and he thinks he did a great thing by finally finishing it.

    Wonder how many subcontractors and suppliers he ripped off.

    Im not sure what the criteria is for being thrown in jail......but it would be nice to have a way to track those that are constantly pushing the envelope.

    I use to joke with the district attorney that there should be way to charge people for
    "failing to do right in a do right zone.....or being stupid without a license..."
    Sometimes you just have to laugh at it all......other times you have to lay the law down.

    I understand where a newbie fails to read the rules.....(they are often excited about reaping as much info as they can.....no different then being in a hurry to get to an appointment and getting pulled over for speeding..........they are appologetic....they get warnings.....lol).....however those that push limit knowingly and then get upset when you approach them about it........ I have no use for them.......to me those have character issues that cant be fixed, I throughly enjoyed throwing those types in jail.

    It may be advantageous to send an email to all newbies when they sign up ......what the rules are.......and what the tabs (services, properties, forums etc.) are to be used for.........most people do not want t go thru a tutorial program......they want information that is concise and to the point.


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