What Do You Do With Tax Deed Property That Is Occupied?

I bought a tax deed property that turns out to have 2 occupants. I think both are tenants and have not been paying rent for the 3 years since the owner died.
Do I have to evict them or can I give a notice to quit premises?
I plan to see an attorney but earliest appt is next Friday


  • getgoing15th December, 2004

    Not sure on the question but WOW 3 years of free rent, dont think there gonna like this...LOL

  • rmdane200015th December, 2004

    a notice to quit would be the start of an eviction...What do you plan on doing with the property? Have they said they would be unwilling to pay rent or something? Maybe you've already got yourself a decent tenant? I guess some more info is needed...what you want to do with this property...what you've already done with the tenants...etc.

  • linlin16th December, 2004

    I waited a moth after purchase to make sure all was recorded. Then I went to see them. One guy was really aggressive and said he was not going to pay. The other lady wants to buy it so I am going to work on that with her. But the guy has gotta go.
    The unit he is in needs lots of rehab. Lots of beer cans and cigarette butts all over the place. His side not kept up. The other side is a tremendous contrast - well kept. The tenant actually had the place repainted and did some other renovations so I am not thinking in terms of huge pay day with her. It was actually from her that I found out about the 3 years rent. She has it in an account set aside just in case. I told here it was not mine so I was not going to accept it. I expect it will become here downpayment. I have to do a quiet title on it as theyowner had no heirs, estate was in probate, bills were paid and the probate closed without any disposition of the house. Property had some liens due to the slob in the other part

    The weird thing is I looked at the property but did not realize the houses went with it as there was a fence running in front of the duplex so I appeared to be 2 lots. I really prefer the abandoned houses or vacant lots. Less headache

  • olivcedrick16th December, 2004

    I am new , would you tell me the steps to get the deed for a tax deed property

  • loon16th December, 2004

    Beware of the (admittedly small) prospect that a 'tenant' may get an attorney and try to claim adverse possession to avoid leaving. Better get some kind of insurance on your buildings too, from your state pool if you have to. If your aggressive guy is a lowlife, he might try to do some damage on the way out. Probably he's just a blowhard distressed that his free ride is over. Expect him to leave a big mess behind when he''s finally forced out.

  • linlin16th December, 2004

    He could not claim adverse possession as that requires 7 years plus the taxes and such would have had to be paid. But you are right about him deliberately damaging stuff. Will definitely look into insurance on it

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