What Did You Get For X-MAS?

A little off topic for some sharing and relaxing

What one really cool thing or funny thing did you get for X-mas?


  • myfrogger25th December, 2003

    I got a serious reality check. My true modivation for REI is my family. As with most everyone else, my family is right there in the middle of the middle class. Maybe on the lower-middle if anything. Everyone is in the rat race bringing in as much as they spend each month and never getting ahead.

    Call it what you may but my true goal for life is to move up to the rich class of society. To me this means financial freedom, being out of the rat race, and never having the middle-class J-O-B.

    I'm still guy and although I don't have much to show for myself just yet, Christmas got me focused on what is most imporant to me. That, my friends, is what I got for christmas.

  • WheelerDealer25th December, 2003

    great! you got a reality check! sounds like a new years resolution is coming soon too!

    So far all i got is a headache-- cant sleep.

    stay tuned though well see what tomorrow brings

  • norrist25th December, 2003

    Our 16 month old got the flu bug (not hum-bug) from her 4 year old sister (to go along with their MOUNDS of toys and clothes)...we just had a blast seeing them fight over the boxes and wrapping! Happy holidays!

  • Tedjr25th December, 2003

    My best friend just got out of hospital. With heart failure at 43 he was told he would need surgery yesterday or today. He was released yesterday. With some strong medicine he has recovered enough to come home. He may still need a transplant but the emergency part is over for now. He is home with his family and that is great for now.

    Ted Jr

  • pejames25th December, 2003

    I also got a reality check! For the last 3 years, I have worked like a dog for this company and sacraficed being with my family for the sake of "The JOB". I havent had a raise in pay for 3 years and got told by the powers that be, that the cost of living hasn't gone up....Like, Where does he live? Oh, thats right, when you make 300 to 800K per year, you dont worry much about inflation. Anyway, When it came down to buying presents for the family, the wife and I decided not to buy for each other as there just wasnt enough to go around. Well, to make this long story a bit shorter, I made up my mind, that this would never happen again and I am now driving this harder than ever and I have put my priorities to changing my life around, so that this will never happen again! It really set in this morning, when my daughter come into the living room and hollers, Mom, Dad, now I know there is a Santa Claus, because I know we cant afford these presents! She got an electronic Keyboard...(A longtime want). I was happy for her and sad at the same time, but I am focusing the hurt towards my CREI future. I hope all have a wonderful Christmas and I wish everyone nothing but the best in the coming year! See you all at the TOP! I made myself a promise, that this would never happen to me and my family again, because I now have the resources available to me to make a difference. I want to thank everyone here for just being here and wanting to help! I will be there to do the same from here on!

  • mjdreal26th December, 2003

    Prejames your me and I'm you, My wife and I did'nt buy each other anything,,in fact I called this our $60.00 Christmas,,my mom sent me $75.00 for Christmas so I took the wife and my two wonderful perfect baby girls to Burger King Dollar menu and then handed the wife the rest to buy the girls stuff....The cool thing is I will kinda miss being poor at Christmas BECAUSE it's the last one...........................lol....It's funny how were all so different but were all thye same...Thaks for the motivation.....MD [ Edited by mjdreal on Date 12/26/2003 ]

  • DianeT26th December, 2003

    A speeding ticket! Then the state trooper said "Merry Christmas" as he handed it to me.

    He said I was going 75 mph but I had my cruise control set at 65 mph. Two other cars were passing me because I was too slow so I think he must have radared them and I was accused of speeding. Wahhh.

  • InActive_Account27th December, 2003

    I fully understand what u all mean by sacrificing for your kids and i stand in agreement with everyone that we on this site will do our best to make sure that the best and prosperous objectives of all are met. Lets do it. :

  • DaveT27th December, 2003

    I gave myself John Locke's new version of his Subject To course.

  • Samw27th December, 2003

    Got a gift check instead of a bonus in my company(low sales according to them...Duh!) and a glowing one page letter from my boss on hard I worked and the reasons on why Iam getting a gift check and not a bonus...My foot....lol...The gift check I donated to foster home(s) and the letter...well enough said...lol

    all these antics of your powers to be does make one more resolute in the pursuit of a path of Real Estate...

  • jackman27th December, 2003

    i got 2 more buyers that i can't find places for ... i got to see my 2yr old daughter smile opening her stuff ... and i got a talking picture frame from her so i have her voice telling me "merry cristmas pop pop". pretty damn sweet christmas for me - despite my lack of actual time with her.

  • cky27th December, 2003


    I envy most of you!! As you have the one thing I am unable to BUY; and that is a family (wife and children).

    Yes money can buy many happy and fun things in life.. Vacations, play, toys, etc..
    But money can not buy happiness when it comes to family and kids.

    Before you all get obsessed with the REI goal and MONEY goals, take a moment today and everyday thereafter to appreciate what you do have!!

    I have had it all, lost it all, and now again have it.. It can be nice, but it consumes you, your life and can not buy the greatest things in life such as "love"..

    Money, bought nice gifts for friends and family.. (shocking diamond bracelet for mom); but I spent xmas being MISERABLE even though in company.

    Happy New Year to you all!

  • tatinney29th December, 2003

    What did I get for Christmas?

    Lets see, lets go back to Thanksgiving first.

    When my son was supposed to come back with me (one week with mom, one week with me) he decided to tell his mom that he was afraid to. He had gotten in trouble for lying just before he left to go to his moms, and we were going to discuss the punishment when he returned.

    Mom didnt bring him back, went to court, and got a judge to sign off reducing my visitation to supervised, even though there is not one bit of proof (actually, not even an allegation) of anything that says my son is in any kind of danger.

    Christmas? on the 22nd, in a counselors office with the ex sitting in her car outside. This is where I gave my son his gifts, and where he opened them, and where he took them all to his moms because that is where he is now.

    Having been single for the past 8 years, I have heard many complaints of single moms about how fathers are absent from their childrens lives. I have spent the last 8 years doing everything I can to be a valuable, and real part of my sons life, and yet, mom uses every oppurtunity she can to take him away from me. Yes, this is not the first, or the second, or even the third time. Including the divorce, she has tried to take him away from me 4 times in the 8 years. Every time has cost me at least $6K with a lawyer (not to mention the $40K divorce itself). This time, I have nothing left, no more resources to draw from, I will have to go into court on my own. I have depleted all savings, maxed out all credit, and maxed out all loans against my retirement that I possibly can. Not to mention that in June, my home burned to the ground, and insurance didnt go far enough.

    In a nutshell, Christmas was awful. I got a very harsh dose of reality, and a desperate feeling of not being able to do anything about it.

    I make $50k a year, and I cant make it from paycheck to paycheck, with no end in site.

    On top of all this? The IRS has informed me that some of the returns that the ex and I did together while we were seperated ended up NOT including me (very long story here), short story? I have 3 years of unpaid taxes.

    I need something that is going to generate revenue beyond a few dollars a month. I have always been interested in Real Estate and the many aspects of it. So here I am, spending money I dont really have to join a website that I only hope and pray can provide some answers. Im not one to want things handed to me, Im not at all afraid of work, but direction, knowledge/know how, support....these I can use.

    I am sorry to have layed this on all that read this, but you asked, and I have answered.

    As cky said, the most important thing money cant buy, and that is love and family, but let me tell you here, that if I had some more money, I would be able to take care of what I need to take care of in the court systems, and provide a home for my son, whom is the most important thing in the world to me.

    Anyway, I will end this at this point, once I get started, I can really get going...lol.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and will enjoy a tremendously prosperous new year


  • rickomarsh29th December, 2003

    I got socks and kitty and they were both to big.

  • cky29th December, 2003

    I bought MY xmas gift a little late (today)

    A brand new snowboard and a 5 month long season pass..

    I will be enjoying my life, snowboarding, on the mountain..

    Life is not worth living if you only work it away and never enjoy it to it's fullest!!!!

    One day to go until I'm gone for a small ski vacation through the new years.. Cost? Pennies!! ($1k) Compared to the happiness it brings me in my miserable life..

    Do you all get it yet? Money doesn't matter in life!!! Everyone who knows me is familiar with my "it comes and goes, no big deal" attitude...

    HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!
    Go buy some more property!!!!
    Stop being lazy!! Buy more property!!


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