What Criteria Do You Use When Hiring A Builder?

I of course want craftsmanship at a decent price, but what else?

There is a lady I used to see periodically (our kids were in the same playgroup). Her husband works for a commercial builder (does shopping centers or something) but he's done houses and eventually wants to make that his full time business. What do I need to talk to him about? Find out? Expect? Require?



  • JohnMerchant12th April, 2004

    Licensed, bonded, insured, (all proven to me in writing), a couple of references you can check out...these are my criteria.

    I learned the hard way, after doing it wrong with the cheap, UN-bonded, UN-insured, and got burned badly when the turkey, half-way into the job, just walked away. Turned out he was already in trouble with the City's Bldg Dept for his shoddy practices & illegal shortcuts and if I'd done just a little sniffing around I could have found this out first.

  • NancyChadwick12th April, 2004

    To JohnMerchant's points, I would add:

    1. Get a copy of the builder's proposed construction contract so that your real estate attorney can review it and propose changes

    2. Look (inside and outside) at examples of what the builder has built.

    3. When you ask for references, find out the municipalties where the builder has built and check those as well as the homeowner references.

    4. See if the builder has a set of existing house plans that perhaps could be tweaked for your particular use, rather than creating plans from scratch (unless, of course, you want a true custom home).

    If you wind up using a builder who has done commercial work, it may be more difficult for you to evaluate the workmanship since commercial is a whole different animal altogether. If you're seriously thinking of using this person, I would still interview a couple of residential builders. Then compare.

  • commercialking12th April, 2004

    I have a whole list of critera that generally have nothing to do with building but make me crazy when they are not there.

    Does he return phone calls in a timely fashion
    Does he show up for appointments on time.
    When you ask a question does he give a straight answer. Does he remember that answer and give the same one the next day.
    If I were going to hire a contractor to build a house I'd first give him some smallish job to do around my house. Something that will take more than a day. I wouldn't tell him it was a test but the things that drive you nuts in the construction business is guys that don't show up when they say they will.


  • Lufos12th April, 2004

    Dear Ginnie,

    See everybody posted in and you have everything you need to know and what to do and how to do it. Just one small little thing left. Can you work with him? Will he do what you want? Will he give you the house you want and if you screw up and want a small little change that will enrich your future life, will he bear with you and help you get that change?

    Check with your acquaintance at the old ape farm and see how it goes. How far along is he in making the changes of enployment. Can he even get a bond and at the present cost of bonding, would he want to just for a little one house deal?

    If you get into this, put the rest of your life on hold and hang out on site. Make a daily notebook and enter everything into it. Make a line graph and follow the progress and balance it with the line graph you started with are you up to date or behind. If behind, how come. You can tell what are the problems of tomorrow by looking very carefuly at the problems of today. You only pay for things done never contemplated. Oh you may start with a small sum, grease the first wheel but that is it. Get material and labor releases. Watch the attitude of the workman and stay ahead of everybody. Come on now you are a woman use that fantastic intuitative reasoning .

    Damn I wish I had it. If I turned gay would I gain some of that? Sure would be helpful. I wonder if this would make a difference in my relationship with my wife. Would it improve it? Might make me a better dancer. Oh well back to work. Get the whip, beat a workman. One brick at a time, idiot it is three dressed, laid and then filled. Here I go getting filthy again laying brick hanging on a cane. Ai Capron. Mucho Travaco and no Dinero! Whatever.

    Cheeers Lucius 8-) 8-)

  • labellavita14th April, 2004

    thanks everyone! Great info and you've given me some things to think about.

    Lucius, you always make me smile. smile


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