What City Department Do I Need Approval From To Put Signs Up?

I wanted to put signs up advertisings that I buy houses in any condition and any circumstance/situation. Does anyone know the title of the city person I need to talk to to get permission and the details of where and what I can and cannot do reguarding putting up signs?


  • ZinOrganization16th December, 2004

    someone in the zoning department. and there is a very good chance that they will laugh at you if you ask them to put up signs all over town. i know they lauged at me. so i did it anyways.

  • aceinquiries16th December, 2004

    Thanks and I'll give it a try. I have nothing to lose by asking.

  • aceinquiries16th December, 2004

    Thanks and I'll give it a try. I have nothing to lose by asking.

  • aceinquiries16th December, 2004

    Thanks and I'll give it a try. I have nothing to lose by asking.

  • ryand21st December, 2004

    HAHAHA, he is absoluley right about them not giving you permission. Think about the word "Bandit" in the name Bandit Signs. They are illegal and you cannot get permission to put them out.
    You can not pay them and you can not get a permit. What you can do is put them out and expect calls from the zoning department. I put them out all the time and they do work. This is why it is worth the grief from the zoning officers. Think about it, if you get one deal and make 50k from it and you get fined 2k. is it worth it? ofcourse it is.
    The best thing for you to do is just put them up and expect to get bad calls from bad people who have nothing better to do than complain about your harmless signs.

    P.S. I have not got fined yet and i doubt i ever will but this is the worst case senario.

  • joeyd22nd December, 2004

    Yeah your not gonna get permission- but you can try going to a local place that makes signs and ask them eventhough they might be a little bias. (being they are trying to sell you a sign)That's what I did and got some good advice on when, where and how to place the signs.

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