What Can I Do Flip Or Purchase?

I have a quit claim property that I got a few months ago. It has been registered. Someone else hold the mortgage on the property. I helped them from going into foreclosure. They are not paying me back the money I let them borrow to keep the house from being auctioned. They live in the house. Do I have to have anything else beside the quit claim deed to purchase the house? If I want to quit claim the house to someone else could I do that? :-(


  • JohnMichael2nd October, 2004

    Welcome to the family of TCI!

    Sorry to see that your deal did not go well.

    Question: Do I have to have anything else beside the quit claim deed to purchase the house?

    Answer, not really since signing a Quit Claim Deed gives up ownership and associated rights and responsibilities of the subject property. At this point you could legally evict

    Question: If I want to quit claim the house to someone else could I do that?

    Answer, Yes you can.

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